@article{fdi:010069491, title = {{A}ffordability of adult {HIV}/{AIDS} treatment in developing countries : modelling price determinants for a better insight of the market functioning}, author = {{S}agaon {T}eyssier, {L}uis and {S}ingh, {S}. and {D}ongmo-{N}guimfack, {B}. and {M}oatti, {J}ean-{P}aul}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ntroduction: {T}his study aims to provide a landscape of the global antiretroviral ({ARV}) market by analyzing the transactional data on donor-funded {ARV} procurement between 2003 and 2015, and the {ARV} price determinants. {D}esign: {T}he data were obtained from the {G}lobal {P}rice {R}eporting {M}echanism ({GPRM}) managed by the {AIDS} {M}edicines and {D}iagnostics {S}ervice of the {WHO}, and it consists of information that covers approximately 80% of the total donor-funded adult {ARV} transactions procurement. {M}ethods: {E}x{W}orks prices and procured quantities were standardized according to the guidelines in terms of yearly doses. {D}escriptive statistics on quantities and prices show the main trends of the {ARV} market. {O}rdinary least squares estimation was carried out for the whole sample, then stratified according to the type of supplier (originator and generic) and controlled for time and geographical fixed-effects. {G}iven that analyses were carried out on a public dataset on {ARV} transactional prices from the {GPRM}, ethics are respected and consent was not necessary. {R}esults: {O}riginator medicines are on average the least expensive in the sub-{S}aharan {A}frica region, where at the same time, generic medicines are on average the most expensive. {B}y contrast, originator medicines are the most expensive in {E}urope and {C}entral {A}sia, and generic medicines are the least expensive. {I}n fact, the data suggest mixed strategies by {ARV} suppliers to exploit opportunities for profit maximization and to adapt to the specific conditions of market competition in each region. {O}ur results also suggest that the expiration of patents is not sufficient to boost additional developments in generic competition (at least in the {ARV} market) and that formal or informal agreements between generic firms may de facto slow down or even reverse long-term trends towards price decreases. {C}onclusions: {O}ur findings provide an improved understanding of the {ARV} market that can help countries strengthen policy measures to increase their bargaining power in price negotiations and the use of {TRIPS} flexibilities, with a special emphasis on negotiations with generic manufacturers.}, keywords = {{HIV}-treatment ; price determinants ; originator and generic medicines ; patents ; {AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of the {I}nternational {A}ids {S}ociety}, volume = {19}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 20619 [11 ]}, ISSN = {1758-2652}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.7448/ias.19.1.20619}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069491}, }