@article{fdi:010069476, title = {{H}ow do post-colonial ties and migration regimes shape travel visa requirements ? {T}he case of {C}aribbean nationals}, author = {{V}ezzoli, {S}. and {F}lahaux, {M}arie-{L}aurence}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ravel visa requirements are generally recognised as the result of a trade-off between preventing irregular migration, ensuring security and allowing potential economic benefits to countries. {T}he role of history has been overlooked. {T}his article focuses on the {C}aribbean, a region heavily influenced by colonialism, which experienced important changes in political status and migration policies over the twentieth century. {U}sing bilateral travel visa requirement data, we examine the importance of two travel visa determinants: post-colonial ties and the migration regimes established by the former colonial state after independence. {W}e show that post-colonial ties explain patterns of travel visa requirements for {F}rance, the {N}etherlands and the {US}, but less for {B}ritain and {B}ritish-sphere {C}aribbean countries, revealing the less uniform and changing role of post-colonial ties. {T}ravel visa requirements largely reinforce migration regimes types, so that {C}aribbean citizens from countries with a closed migration regime also experienced reduced travel opportunities. {T}his reveals a perception that when the former colonial state limits migration opportunities, it might lead to travel, and potential overstaying, in other destinations. {T}hese findings provide new evidence of the relevance of colonial history and migration policies with the former colonial state in shaping travel opportunities of citizens of former colonies.}, keywords = {{T}ravel visa determinants ; visa policies ; post-colonial ties ; migration ; regimes ; {C}aribbean ; {CARAIBE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}thnic and {M}igration {S}tudies}, volume = {43}, numero = {7}, pages = {1141--1163}, ISSN = {1369-183{X}}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1080/1369183x.2016.1228446}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069476}, }