@article{fdi:010069447, title = {{DNA} barcoding grey mullets}, author = {{D}urand, {J}ean-{D}ominique and {H}ubert, {N}icolas and {S}hen, {K}. {N}. and {B}orsa, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}espite the ecological and commercial importance of grey mullets (fish family {M}ugilidae), their taxonomy and systematics are still much debated. {R}easons for this are the low level of morphometric variability and the relatively poor phylogenetic information borne by the morpho-anatomical characters used thus far in diagnosing species. {H}ere, we evaluate the potential of {DNA} barcoding to accurately delineate species and assign unknown specimens to taxa in the family {M}ugilidae. {O}ur reference sample consists of 257 individuals from 91 lineages characterized by their nucleotide sequences at the {COI}, cytochrome b, and 16{S} r{RNA} loci. {T}hese lineages correspond to 55 species according to the current taxonomy, and 36 presumed cryptic species. {A}ll known and presumed cryptic species within the '{M}ugil cephalus' (n = 15) and '{M}. curema' (n = 6) species complexes, as well as within genera {C}helon (n = 10), {C}renimugil (n = 6), {O}steomugil (n = 6), and {P}laniliza (n = 18) were successfully recovered as distinct lineages by {COI} gene sequences (598 bp), demonstrating the utility of this marker to delineate species in the family {M}ugilidae. {I}nconsistencies in the labeling of sequences deposited in {G}en{B}ank were ascribed to species misidentification. {A} proportion of these misidentifications occurred in the course of dedicated barcoding surveys, further emphasizing the need for an accurate and exhaustive reference barcoding database for {M}ugilidae.}, keywords = {{M}ugilidae ; {COI} ; {S}pecies {D}iversity ; {G}enetics ; {T}axonomy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}eviews in {F}ish {B}iology and {F}isheries}, volume = {27}, numero = {1}, pages = {233--243}, ISSN = {0960-3166}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1007/s11160-016-9457-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069447}, }