@article{fdi:010069251, title = {{R}ainfall and soil properties influence termite mound abundance and height : a case study with {O}dontotermes obesus ({M}acrotermitinae) mounds in the {I}ndian {W}estern {G}hats forests}, author = {{S}hanbhag, {R}. {R}. and {K}abbaj, {M}. and {S}undararaj, {R}. and {J}ouquet, {P}ascal}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}everal fungus-growing termite species build mounds, or termitaria, that are conspicuous features of {A}frican and {A}sian landscapes. {S}tudies of the genus {M}acrotermes in {A}frica have established that their mounds provide an environment buffered against extremes of temperature and humidity, as well as protection from predators, and are correspondingly modified in composition. {H}owever, no studies are available in the specific context of the {A}sian continent where termite mounds are also abundant. {H}ence this study focused on the abundance and properties of mounds built by {O}dontotermes obesus in relation to rainfall and parent soil properties in southern {I}ndian forests, in the {W}estern {G}hats area. {T}ermite mound densities and sizes were measured in 18 forests along a rainfall gradient from 1160 to 3670 mm yr(-1). {T}he {C} and clay contents were analyzed in soil samples collected from mounds and the surrounding topsoil. {M}ound numerical density was positively correlated with mound height and rainfall had a negative relationship with the abundance. {N}either vegetation type nor or rainfall influenced the clay content in the mound walls but a positive linear relation was observed between the clay content in the termite mound wall and that in the surrounding topsoil environment, suggesting a rather low impact of termites on the clay content in the mound soil. {T}he {C} content in mound walls depended mainly on how much clay the termites used. {I}n conclusion, this study shows that the amount of rainfall affects the abundance of {O}. obesus mounds in {I}ndia while the amount of clay in the surrounding topsoil determines mound soil properties.}, keywords = {{O}dontotermes obesus ; {R}ainfall gradient ; {S}oil clay ; {S}oil carbon ; {T}ermite mound abundance ; {INDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {S}oil {E}cology}, volume = {111}, numero = {}, pages = {33--38}, ISSN = {0929-1393}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.apsoil.2016.11.011}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069251}, }