@article{fdi:010069249, title = {{C}oastal applications from nadir altimetry : example of the {X}-{TRACK} regional products}, author = {{B}irol, {F}. and {F}uller, {N}. and {L}yard, {F}. and {C}ancet, {M}. and {N}ino, {F}ernando and {D}elebecque, {C}. and {F}leury, {S}. and {T}oublanc, {F}. and {M}elet, {A}. and {S}araceno, {M}. and {L}{\'e}ger, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the coastal ocean zones, satellite altimetry data processing and interpretation poses specific difficulties, due to the interaction of the radar signal with land topography, inaccuracies in some of the geophysical corrections and to the fast changes in the sea level. {I}n order to optimise the completeness and the accuracy of the sea surface height information derived from satellite altimetry in coastal ocean areas, a dedicated post-processing software, called {X}-{TRACK}, has been developed by the {C}enter of {T}opography of the {O}cean and {H}ydrosphere in {T}oulouse. {I}t is tailored for extending the use of altimetry data to coastal ocean applications and provides freely available along-track {S}ea {L}evel {A}nomaly time series that cover today all the coastal oceans. {H}ere, we present the improvements made in version 2016 of {X}-{TRACK} and show the gain in near-coastal data accuracy using in situ tide gauge observations. {T}he correlations between altimeter and tide gauge sea level anomalies are higher (by 15% in average) compared with the previous version of {X}-{TRACK}. {T}hree examples of applications are shown. {T}he recent evolutions done in the {X}-{TRACK} processing result in an improved observation of the seasonal variations of the boundary circulation in the {B}ay of {B}iscay. {A}long {W}estern {A}frica, sea-level variations derived from {X}-{TRACK} data are observed closer to land (5 km) compared to {AVISO} (10 km), and the sea-level statistics are more robust due to the larger and more stable data availability. {A}long-track empirical tidal constants derived from {X}-{TRACK} {S}ea {L}evel {A}nomaly time series are also used to validate tidal models. {B}y improving the altimetric data accuracy in coastal areas, we extend the field of marine applications.}, keywords = {{R}adar altimetry ; {S}ea surface height ; {D}atabase ; {O}cean dynamics ; {C}oastal observations ; {CTOH} ; {MEDITERRANEE} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}dvances in {S}pace {R}esearch}, volume = {59}, numero = {4}, pages = {936--953}, ISSN = {0273-1177}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.asr.2016.11.005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069249}, }