@article{fdi:010069197, title = {{A}uxin-dependent regulation of lateral root positioning in the basal meristem of {A}rabidopsis}, author = {{D}e {S}met, {I}. and {T}etsumura, {T}. and {D}e {R}ybel, {B}. and {F}rey, {N}. {F}. {D}. and {L}aplaze, {L}aurent and {C}asimiro, {I}. and {S}warup, {R}. and {N}audts, {M}. and {V}anneste, {S}. and {A}udenaert, {D}. and {I}nze, {D}. and {B}ennett, {M}. {J}. and {B}eeckman, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n plants, the developmental mechanisms that regulate the positioning of lateral organs along the primary root are currently unknown. {W}e present evidence on how lateral root initiation is controlled in a spatiotemporal manner in the model plant {A}rabidopsis thaliana. {F}irst, lateral roots are spaced along the main axis in a regular left-right alternating pattern that correlates with gravity-induced waving and depends on {AUX}1, an auxin influx carrier essential for gravitropic response. {S}econd, we found evidence that the priming of pericycle cells for lateral root initiation might take place in the basal meristem, correlating with elevated auxin sensitivity in this part of the root. {T}his local auxin responsiveness oscillates with peaks of expression at regular intervals of 15 hours. {E}ach peak in the auxin-reporter maximum correlates with the formation of a consecutive lateral root. {T}hird, auxin signaling in the basal meristem triggers pericycle cells for lateral root initiation prior to the action of {INDOLE}-3-{ACETIC} {ACID}14 ({SOLITARY} {ROOT}).}, keywords = {{A}rabidopsis ; auxin ; basal meristem ; lateral root ; root branching}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}evelopment}, volume = {134}, numero = {4}, pages = {681--690}, ISSN = {0950-1991}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1242/dev.02753}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010069197}, }