@article{fdi:010068944, title = {{H}ousehold transmission of {N}eisseria meningitidis in the {A}frican meningitis belt : a longitudinal cohort study}, author = {{A}li, {O}. and {A}seffa, {A}. and {O}mer, {A}. {B}. and {L}ema, {T}. and {D}emissie, {T}. {M}. and {T}ekletsion, {Y}. and {W}orku, {A}. and {X}abher, {H}. {G}. and {Y}amuah, {L}. and {B}oukary, {R}. {M}. and {C}ollard, {J}. {M}. and {D}ano, {I}. {D}. and {H}abiboulaye, {I}. and {I}ssaka, {B}. and {J}usot, {J}. {F}. and {O}usmane, {S}. and {R}abe, {I}. and {D}augla, {D}. {M}. and {G}ami, {J}. {P}. and {G}amougam, {K}. and {M}bainadji, {L}. and {N}aibei, {N}. and {N}arbe, {M}. and {T}oralta, {J}. and {B}erthe, {A}. and {D}iallo, {K}. and {K}eita, {M}. and {C}oulibaly, {A}. and {O}nwuchekwa, {U}. and {S}ow, {S}. {O}. and {T}amboura, {B}. and {T}raore, {A}. and {T}oure, {A}. and {C}lark, {T}. and {M}ayer, {L}. and {A}modu, {M}. and {B}eida, {O}. and {G}adzama, {G}. and {O}motara, {B}. and {Z}ailani, {S}. and {Y}ahya, {S}. and {C}handramohan, {D}. and {G}reenwood, {B}. {M}. and {H}assan-{K}ing, {M}. and {M}anigart, {O}. and {N}ascimento, {M}. and {S}tuart, {J}. {M}. and {W}oukeu, {A}. and {B}asta, {N}. {E}. and {B}ai, {X}. {L}. and {B}orrow, {R}. and {F}indlow, {H}. and {A}lavo, {S}. and {B}assene, {H}. and {D}iallo, {A}. and {D}ieng, {M}. and {D}oucoure, {S}. and {G}omis, {J}. {F}. and {N}diaye, {A}. and {S}okhna, {C}heikh and {T}rape, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {B}ugri, {A}. and {F}orgor, {A}. and {H}odgson, {A}. and {O}sei, {I}. and {Q}uaye, {S}. {L}. and {W}illiams, {J}. and {W}ontuo, {P}. and {I}rving, {T}. and {T}rotter, {C}. {L}. and {K}arachaliou, {A}. and {B}ennett, {J}. and {H}ill, {D}. and {H}arrison, {O}. and {M}aiden, {M}. {C}. and {R}ebbetts, {L}. and {W}atkins, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {I}nformation on transmission of meningococcal infection in the {A}frican meningitis belt is scarce. {W}e aimed to describe transmission patterns of {N}eisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) in households in the {A}frican meningitis belt. {M}ethods {C}ross-sectional carriage surveys were done in seven {A}frican meningitis belt countries ({C}had, {E}thiopia, {G}hana, {M}ali, {N}iger, {N}igeria, and {S}enegal) between {A}ug 1, 2010, and {O}ct 15, 2012. {M}eningococcal carriers identified in these surveys and all available people in their households were recruited into this longitudinal cohort study. {W}e took pharyngeal swabs at first visit and took further swabs twice a month for 2 months and then monthly for a further 4 months. {W}e used conventional bacteriological and molecular techniques to identify and characterise meningococci. {W}e estimated the rates of carriage acquisition and recovery using a multi-state {M}arkov model. {F}indings {M}eningococci were isolated from 241 (25%) of 980 members of 133 households in which a carrier had been identified in the cross-sectional survey or at the first household visit. {C}arriage was detected subsequently in another household member who was not an index carrier in 75 households. {T}ransmission within a household, suggested by detection of a further carrier with the same strain as the index carrier, was found in 52 of these 75 households. {C}hildren younger than 5 years were the group that most frequently acquired carriage from other household members. {T}he overall individual acquisition rate was 2.4% (95% {CI} 1.6-4.0) per month, varying by age and household carriage status. {T}he mean duration of carriage was 3.4 months (95% {CI} 2.7-4.4). {I}nterpretation {I}n the {A}frican meningitis belt, transmission of meningococci within households is important, particularly for young children, and periods of carriage are usually of short duration.}, keywords = {{TCHAD} ; {ETHIOPIE} ; {GHANA} ; {MALI} ; {NIGER} ; {NIGERIA} ; {SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ancet {G}lobal {H}ealth}, volume = {4}, numero = {12}, pages = {{E}989--{E}995}, ISSN = {2214-109{X}}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068944}, }