@article{fdi:010068932, title = {{M}eloidogyne graminicola : a major threat to rice agriculture}, author = {{M}antelin, {S}. and {B}ellafiore, {S}t{\'e}phane and {K}yndt, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}axonomy {S}uperkingdom {E}ukaryota; {K}ingdom {M}etazoa; {P}hylum {N}ematoda; {C}lass {C}hromadorea; {O}rder {T}ylenchida; {S}uborder {T}ylenchina; {I}nfraorder {T}ylenchomorpha; {S}uperfamily {T}ylenchoidea; {F}amily {M}eloidogynidae; {S}ubfamily {M}eloidogyninae; {G}enus {M}eloidogyne. {B}iology {M}icroscopic non-segmented roundworm. {P}lant pathogen; obligate sedentary endoparasitic root-knot nematode. {R}eproduction: facultative meiotic parthenogenetic species in which amphimixis can occur at a low frequency (c. 0.5%); relatively fast life cycle completed in 19-27 days on rice depending on the temperature range. {H}ost range {R}eported to infect over 100 plant species, including cereals and grass plants, as well as dicotyledonous plants. {M}ain host: rice ({O}ryza sativa). {S}ymptoms{C}haracteristic hook-shaped galls (root swellings), mainly formed at the root tips of infected plants. {A}lteration of the root vascular system causes disruption of water and nutrient transport, stunting, chlorosis and loss of vigour, resulting in poor growth and reproduction of the plants with substantial yield losses in crops. {D}isease control {N}ematicides, chemical priming, constant immersion of rice in irrigated fields, crop rotation with resistant or non-host plants, use of nematode-free planting material. {S}ome sources of resistance to {M}eloidogyne graminicola have been identified in {A}frican rice species ({O}. glaberrima and {O}. longistaminata), as well as in a few {A}sian rice cultivars. {A}gronomic importance {M}ajor threat to rice agriculture, particularly in {A}sia. {A}dapted to flooded conditions, {M}eloidogyne graminicola causes problems in all types of rice agrosystems.}, keywords = {effectors ; nematode control ; {O}ryza sativa ; root-knot nematode}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {P}lant {P}athology}, volume = {18}, numero = {1}, pages = {3--15}, ISSN = {1464-6722}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1111/mpp.12394}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068932}, }