@article{fdi:010068850, title = {{M}odification of a commercial {DNA} extraction kit for safe and rapid recovery of {DNA} and {RNA} simultaneously from soil, without the use of harmful solvents}, author = {{T}ournier, {E}stelle and {A}menc, {L}. and {P}ablo, {A}nne-{L}aure and {L}egname, {E}. and {B}lanchart, {E}ric and {P}lassard, {C}. and {R}obin, {A}. and {B}ernard, {L}aetitia}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}n optimized method, based on the coupling of two commercial kits, is described for the extraction of soil nucleic acids, with simultaneous extraction and purification of {DNA} and {RNA} following a cascade scheme and avoiding the use of harmful solvents. {T}he protocol canmonitor the variations in the recovery yield of {DNA} and {RNA} from soils of various types. {T}he quantitative version of the protocol was obtained by testing the starting soil quantity, the grinding parameters and the final elution volumes, in order to avoid saturation of both kits. {A} first soil-crushing step in liquid nitrogen could be added for the assessment of fungal parameters. {T}he protocol was efficient on different tropical soils, including {A}ndosol, while their high contents of clays, including poorly crystalline clays, and {F}e and {A}l oxides usually make the nucleic acid extraction more difficult. {T}he {RNA} recovery yield from the previous tropical soils appeared to correlate better to soil respiration than {DNA}, which is positively influenced by soil clay content.}, keywords = {{S}oil {DNA} and {RNA} ; {Q}uantitative co-extraction ; {M}olecular biomass ; {T}ropical soil ; {MADAGASCAR} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}ethods{X}}, volume = {2}, numero = {}, pages = {182--191}, ISSN = {2215-0161}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.mex.2015.03.007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068850}, }