@article{fdi:010068837, title = {{Q}uantification of viral load and resistance tests of {HIV}-1 to {ARV}s from dried blood spots samples in {G}uinean patients undergoing antiretroviral treatment}, author = {{B}angoura, {N}. and {D}iouara, {A}. {A}. {M}. and {C}isse, {M}. and {N}diaye, {H}. {D}. and {M}boup, {S}. and {A}youba, {A}hidjo and {K}ane, {C}. {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}roblem: {A}s in several countries of the {S}outh, the virological monitoring of patients undergoing antiretroviral treatment ({ARVT}) in {G}uinea is low or non-existent in some locations. {T}he aim of this study was to assess the technical and logistical feasibility of the use of (dried blood spots) {DBS}s in viral load ({VL}) and genotyping tests. {M}ethod: {F}rom {S}eptember 2010 to {O}ctober 2010, {DBS} were prepared from blood samples of adult patients under {ARVT}. {T}he samples had to be sent to the reference laboratory within 30 days after the sample had been done at ambient temperature. {T}he {VL} was quantified and the samples of patients with virological failure ({CV} >= 3 log(10) copies/m{L}) were genotyped according to the {ANRS} protocol. {T}he {S}tanford algorithm, version 6.0.8, was used to analyse and interpret the resistance mutations. {R}esults: {A}mongst the 136 included patients, 129 and 7 were under first and second line treatment respectively, and monitored for an average of 35 months [{IQR}: 6-108]. {V}irological failure was noticed among 33 patients. {A}mong them, 84.8% (n = 28/33) benefited from genotyping. {T}he global resistance rate was 14% (n = 19/136). {CRF}02_{AG} was the most prevalent viral subtype (82%; n = 23) {C}onclusion: {I}n addition to demonstrating the technical and logistic feasibility of {VL} and genotyping tests from {DBS}s, these results show the relevance of their use in the virological monitoring of patients under {ARVT}. {A}lso, this study made it possible to provide information on virological failure, {ARV} resistance and the {HIV}-1 genetic diversity in {G}uinea.}, keywords = {{GUINEE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}frican {J}ournal of {L}aboratory {M}edicine}, volume = {4}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 168 [7 p.]}, ISSN = {2225-2002}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.4102/ajlm.v4i1.168}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068837}, }