@article{fdi:010068786, title = {{E}xcess mortality associated with loiasis : a retrospective population-based cohort study}, author = {{C}hesnais, {C}. {B}. and {T}akougang, {I}. and {P}aguele, {M}. and {P}ion, {S}{\'e}bastien and {B}oussinesq, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground {T}he burden of loiasis has received limited attention and loiasis is still considered a benign condition. {T}o assess whether loiasis bears any excess mortality, we did a retrospective cohort study in {C}ameroon. {M}ethods {I}n 2001, 3627 individuals living in 28 villages were examined for {L}oa loa infection. {I}n 2016, these villages were revisited and the vital status was determined for 3301 individuals (91%). {T}he data were analysed at community level to assess the relation between the level of {L} loa infection in 2001 and standardised mortality rates ({SMR}s), and at individual level to assess the excess mortality relative to the 2001 microfilaraemia and to calculate the population-attributable fraction of mortality associated with {L} loa microfilaraemia. {F}indings 915 deaths occurred during the follow-up time (mean time of 12.5 years [{IQR} 10.2-14.9]) between {A}pril, 2001, and {M}arch 22, 2016. {C}rude mortality rate was 20.3 deaths per 1000 person-years. {SMR}s increased by 4.1% when the proportion of participants infected with greater than 30 000 microfilariae per m{L} increased by 1% (p=0.030). {P}eople aged older than 25 years with greater than 30 000 microfilariae per m{L} in 2001 died significantly earlier than did amicrofilaraemic people (time ratio 0.67, 95% {CI} 0.48-0.95, p=0.024). {T}he population-attributable fraction of mortality associated with presence of {L} loa microfilaraemia was 14.5% (95% {CI} 6.5-21.8, p=0.001). {I}nterpretation {H}igh-grade {L} loa microfilaraemia is associated with an increased mortality risk, suggesting that loiasis is not a benign condition and merits more attention because of its effect on onchocerciasis and lymphatic control strategies. {L}oiasis should be considered for inclusion in the {WHO}'s list of neglected tropical diseases.}, keywords = {{CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}ancet {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {17}, numero = {1}, pages = {108--116}, ISSN = {1473-3099}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/51473-3099(16)30405-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068786}, }