@article{fdi:010068740, title = {{W}hole-genome sequences of {X}anthomonas euvesicatoria strains clarify taxonomy and reveal a stepwise erosion of type 3 effectors}, author = {{B}arak, {J}. {D}. and {V}ancheva, {T}. and {L}efeuvre, {P}. and {J}ones, {J}. {B}. and {T}imilsina, {S}. and {M}insavage, {G}. {V}. and {V}allad, {G}. {E}. and {K}oebnik, {R}alf}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}ultiple species of {X}anthomonas cause bacterial spot of tomato ({BST}) and pepper. {W}e sequenced five {X}anthomonas euvesicatoria strains isolated from three continents ({A}frica, {A}sia, and {S}outh {A}merica) to provide a set of representative genomes with temporal and geographic diversity. {LMG} strains 667, 905, 909, and 933 were pathogenic on tomato and pepper, except {LMG} 918 elicited a hypersensitive reaction ({HR}) on tomato. {F}urthermore, {LMG} 667, 909, and 918 elicited a {HR} on {E}arly {C}al {W}onder 30{R} containing {B}s3. {W}e examined pectolytic activity and starch hydrolysis, two tests which are useful in differentiating {X}. euvesicatoria from {X}. perforans, both causal agents of {BST}. {LMG} strains 905, 909, 918, and 933 were nonpectolytic while only {LMG} 918 was amylolytic. {T}hese results suggest that {LMG} 918 is atypical of {X}. euvesicatoria. {S}equence analysis of all the publicly available {X}. euvesicatoria and {X}. perforans strains comparing seven housekeeping genes identified seven haplotypes with few polymorphisms. {W}hole genome comparison by average nucleotide identity ({ANI}) resulted in values of >99% among the {LMG} strains 667, 905, 909, 918, and 933 and {X}. euvesicatoria strains and >99.6% among the {LMG} strains and a subset of {X}. perforans strains. {T}hese results suggest that {X}. euvesicatoria and {X}. perforans should be considered a single species. {ANI} values between strains of {X}. euvesicatoria, {X}. perforans, {X}. allii, {X}. alfalfa subsp. citrumelonis, {X}. dieffenbachiae, and a recently described pathogen of rose were >97.8% suggesting these pathogens should be a single species and recognized as {X}. euvesicatoria. {A}nalysis of the newly sequenced {X}. euvesicatoria strains revealed interesting findings among the type 3 ({T}3) effectors, relatively ancient stepwise erosion of some {T}3 effectors, additional {X}. euvesicatoria-specific {T}3 effectors among the causal agents of {BST}, orthologs of avr{B}s3 and avr{B}s4, and {T}3 effectors shared among xanthomonads pathogenic against various hosts. {T}he results from this study supports the finding that {T}3 effector repertoire and host range are fundamental for the study of hostmicrobe interaction but of little relevance to bacterial speciation.}, keywords = {{X}anthomonas euvesicatoria ; {X}anthomonas perforans ; comparative genomics ; taxonomy ; type {III} effectors ; {PIP} box ; {H}rp{X} regulon ; cell wall degrading ; enzymes ; {AFRIQUE} ; {ASIE} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{F}rontiers in {P}lant {S}cience}, volume = {7}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 1805 [12 p.]}, ISSN = {1664-462{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.3389/fpls.2016.01805}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068740}, }