@incollection{fdi:010068489, title = {{M}editerranean forests, biocultural heritage and climate change : a social-ecological perspective}, author = {{G}auquelin, {T}. and {M}ichon, {G}enevi{\`e}ve and {J}offre, {R}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin and {G}{\'e}nin, {D}idier and {F}ady, {B}. and {B}ou {D}agher, {M}. and {D}erridj, {A}. and {S}limani, {S}. and {B}adri, {W}. and {A}lifriqui, {M}. and {A}uclair, {L}aurent and {S}imenel, {R}omain and {A}derghal, {M}. and {B}audoin, {E}z{\'e}kiel and {G}aliana, {A}. and {P}rin, {Y}. and {S}anguin, {H}. and {F}ernandez, {C}. and {B}aldy, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{FORET} ; {FONCTIONNEMENT} {DE} {L}'{ECOSYSTEME} ; {VARIABILITE} ; {STRUCTURE} ; {EVOLUTION} ; {HISTOIRE} ; {FACTEUR} {ANTHROPIQUE} ; {SYSTEME} {AGRAIRE} ; {GESTION} ; {FACTEUR} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {CHANGEMENT} {CLIMATIQUE} ; {BIODIVERSITE} ; {SYSTEME} {AGROSYLVOPASTORAL} ; {PAYS} {MEDITERRANEENS} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENE}}, booktitle = {{T}he {M}editerranean region under climate change : a scientific update}, numero = {}, pages = {339--348}, address = {{M}arseille}, publisher = {{IRD} ; {A}ll{E}nvi}, series = {{S}ynth{\`e}ses}, year = {2016}, ISBN = {978-2-7099-2219-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068489}, }