@article{fdi:010068334, title = {{W}hen forms meet genes : revision of the scleractinian genera {M}icromussa and {H}omophyllia ({L}obophylliidae) with a description of two new species and one new genus}, author = {{A}rrigoni, {R}. and {B}enzoni, {F}rancesca and {H}uang, {D}. {W}. and {F}ukami, {H}. and {C}hen, {C}. {A}. and {B}erumen, {M}. {L}. and {H}oogenboom, {M}. and {T}homson, {D}. {P}. and {H}oeksema, {B}. {W}. and {B}udd, {A}. {F}. and {Z}ayasu, {Y}. and {T}erraneo, {T}. {I}. and {K}itano, {Y}. {F}. and {B}aird, {A}. {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he scleractinian family {L}obophylliidae is undergoing a major taxonomic revision thanks to the combination of molecular and morphological data. {I}n this study, we investigate the evolutionary relationships and the macro- and micromorphology of six nominal coral species belonging to two of the nine molecular clades of the {L}obophylliidae, clades {A} and {B}, and of {S}ymphyllia wilsoni, a lobophylliid species analyzed from a molecular point of view for the first time. {S}equence data from mitochondrial {DNA} ({COI} and the intergenic spacer between {COI} and l-r{RNA}), and nuclear {DNA} (histone {H}3 and {ITS} region) are used to generate robust molecular phylogenies and a median-joining haplotype network. {M}olecular results are strongly in agreement with detailed observations of gross-and fine-scale morphology of skeletons, leading to the formal revision of the genera {M}icro-mussa and {H}omophyllia and the description of two newly discovered zooxanthellate shallow-water species, {M}icromussa pacifica sp. nov. {B}enzoni & {A}rrigoni and {M}icromussa indiana sp. nov. {B}enzoni & {A}rrigoni, and a new genus, {A}ustralophyllia gen. nov. {B}enzoni & {A}rrigoni. {I}n particular, {A}canthastrea lord-howensis and {M}ontastraea multipunctata are moved into {M}icromussa, {A}. hillae is synonymized with {A}. bowerbanki and is transferred to {H}omophyllia, and a revised diagnosis for both genera is provided. {M}icromussa pacifica sp. nov. is described from the {G}ambier {I}slands with its distribution spanning {N}ew {C}aledonia and eastern {A}ustralia. {D}espite a superficial resemblance with {H}omophyllia australis, it has distinctive macroand micromorphological septal features. {M}icromussa indiana sp. nov., previously identified as {M}. amakusensis, is here described from the {G}ulf of {A}den and the southern {R}ed {S}ea as a distinct species that is genetically separated from {M}. amakusensis and is morphologically distinct from the latter due to its smaller corallite size and lower number of septa. {F}inally, molecular trees show that {S}. wilsoni is closely related, but molecularly separated from clades {A} and {B}, and, also based on a unique combination of corallite and sub-corallite characters, the species is moved into {A}ustralophyllia gen. nov. {T}hese findings confirm the need for using both genetic and morphological datasets for the ongoing taxonomic revision of scleractinian corals.}, keywords = {coral ; evolution ; phylogeny ; systematics ; taxonomy ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ontributions to {Z}oology}, volume = {85}, numero = {4}, pages = {387--422}, ISSN = {1383-4517}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068334}, }