@article{fdi:010068282, title = {{D}evelopmental programmed cell death during asymmetric microsporogenesis in holocentric species of {R}hynchospora ({C}yperaceae)}, author = {{R}ocha, {D}. {M}. and {M}arques, {A}. and {A}ndrade, {C}gtj and {G}uyot, {R}omain and {C}haluvadi, {S}. {R}. and {P}edrosa-{H}arand, {A}. and {H}ouben, {A}. and {B}ennetzen, {J}. {L}. and {V}anzela, {A}. {L}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he functional cell of an asymmetric tetrad is selected according to its replication capability, while degenerative cells progress to multistep {PCD}, including mitotic disorder and {DNA} elimination.{M}embers of the {C}yperaceae family exhibit an asymmetric microsporogenesis that results in the degeneration of three out of four meiotic products. {E}fforts have been made previously to describe the resulting structure, named the pseudomonad, but mechanisms concerning the establishment of cell domains, nuclear development, and programmed cell death are largely unknown. {U}sing the {R}hynchospora genus as a model, evidence for cell asymmetry, cytoplasmic isolation, and programmed cell death was obtained by a combination of electron microscopic, cytochemical, immunocytochemical, in situ hybridization, and flow cytometric methods. {D}egenerative cells were identified at the abaxial region, with the cytoskeleton marking their delimitation from the functional domain after meiosis. {A}fter attempting to initiate cell division with an unreplicated genome and abnormal spindle assembly, these cells exhibited a gradual process of cytoplasmic contraction associated with hypermethylation of cytosines and differential loss of {DNA}. {T}hese results indicate that the asymmetric tetrad establishes a functional cell, where one nucleus is preferentially selected to survive. {D}egenerative haploid cells are then eliminated in a multistep process associated with mitotic disorder, non-random elimination of repetitive {DNA}, vacuolar cell death, and {DNA} fragmentation.}, keywords = {{A}symmetric cell plate ; electron microscopy ; holocentromeres ; meiotic drive ; mitotic disorder ; pollen development ; vacuolar cell death}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {E}xperimental {B}otany}, volume = {67}, numero = {18}, pages = {5391--5401}, ISSN = {0022-0957}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1093/jxb/erw300}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068282}, }