@article{fdi:010067886, title = {{P}etrographic and geochemical study of organic matter in surficial laminated sediments from an upwelling system ({M}ejillones del {S}ur {B}ay, {N}orthern {C}hile)}, author = {{V}aldes, {J}. and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah and {L}allier-{V}erg{\`e}s, {E}. and {O}rtlieb, {L}uc}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} study of recent laminated sediments, accumulated in the oxygen minimum zone of {M}ejillones {B}ay ({N}orthern {C}hile), shows that the organic matter is autochthonous and deposited under varying oceanographic conditions. {S}edimentary units dominated by light laminations have low values of total organic carbon, total nitrogen and sulphur, and {C}haotoceros content, coupled with high values of yellow amorphous organic matter. {T}hese were deposited under conditions of low primary productivity, favoring the recycling of the major part of metabolizable organic matter in the water column, and the accumulation only of non-metabolizable organic matter in the bottom sediments. {I}n contrast, a unit rich in dark laminations with high values of total organic carbon, total nitrogen and sulphur, shows high values of brown and black {AOM}, and {C}haetoceros content. {T}his sedimentary unit reflects increased flocculation of organic particles during a period of high productivity and fast transit of organic material through the column water, thus diminishing the recycling of metabolizable organic matter and its accumulation with non-metabolizable organic matter in the sediments. {F}inally, a unit characterized by presence of both light and dark laminations was formed by abrupt alternations of the two oceanographic states described previously.}, keywords = {{CHILI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}rganic {G}eochemistry}, volume = {35}, numero = {}, pages = {881--894}, year = {2004}, DOI = {10.1016/j.orggeochem.2004.02.009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067886}, }