@article{fdi:010067880, title = {{H}olocene oscillations of {S}outhwest {A}tlantic shelf circulation based on planktonic foraminifera from an upwelling system (off {C}abo {F}rio, {S}outheastern {B}razil)}, author = {{L}essa, {D}. and {V}enancio, {I}. and {D}os {S}antos, {T}. and {B}elem, {A}.{L}. and {T}urcq, {B}runo and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah and {A}lbuquerque, {A}.{L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {B}razil {C}urrent ({BC}) is a relevant feature in the {A}tlantic {M}eridional {O}verturning {C}irculation ({AMOC}). {I}ts behavior during slowdown or intense {AMOC} remains poorly known because of the lack of paleoceanographic records, especially for the {H}olocene. {H}ere, we investigate changes in a western boundary upwelling system ({C}abo {F}rio, off {S}outheastern {B}razil) which are driven by variations in the {BC} and {NE} winds during the last 9 kyr. {T}o assess the variability of the {BC}, we used delta 18{O}, {M}g/{C}a, and assemblages of planktonic foraminifera. {O}ur results indicate five oceanographic phases during the last 9 kyr. {D}uring {P}hase {I} (from 9.0 to 7.0 cal kyr {BP}), the {BC} diverged offshore from the modern upwelling area because of the low sea level, increasing the influence of shelf waters and coastal upwelling plumes on foraminifera assemblages. {P}hase {II} (7.0-5.0 kyr {BP}) was marked by the approach of the internal front of the {BC} with low intensity and episodes of strong productivity that were linked primarily to the upwelling of the {S}outh {A}tlantic {C}entral {W}ater ({SACW}) and/or {S}ubpolar {S}helf {W}aters ({SPSW}s) (cold). {P}hase {III} (5.0-3.5 kyr {BP}) was a transition, marking a large oceanographic and climatic change from the weakening of the {AMOC}. {T}he internal front of the {BC} became warm and subsurface {SACW} upwelling was stronger. {I}n {P}hase {IV} (3.5-2.5 kyr {BP}), the {BC} acquired its modern dynamics, but weak {NE} winds weakened the {SACW}'s contribution to upwelling events. {F}inally, in {P}hase {V} (last 2.5 kyr {BP}), the {NE} winds reintensified, promoting frequent episodes of upwelling and intrusion by {SPSW}s during the {M}edieval {C}limate {A}nomaly.}, keywords = {{BRESIL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}he {H}olocene}, volume = {26}, numero = {8}, pages = {1175--1187}, ISSN = {0959-6836}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1177/0959683616638433}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067880}, }