@article{fdi:010067745, title = {"{I}t is better to die": experiences of traditional health practitioners within the {HIV} treatment as prevention trial communities in rural {S}outh {A}frica ({ANRS} 12249 {T}as{P} trial)}, author = {{M}oshabela, {M}. and {Z}uma, {T}. and {O}rne-{G}liemann, {J}. and {I}wuji, {C}. and {L}armarange, {J}oseph and {M}c{G}rath, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {ANRS} 12249 {T}reatment-as-{P}revention ({T}as{P}) cluster-randomized trial in rural {S}outh {A}frica uses a test and treat approach. {H}ome-based testing services and antiretroviral treatment initiation satellite clinics were implemented in every cluster as part of the trial. {A} social science research agenda was nested within {T}as{P} with the aim of understanding the social, economic and contextual factors that affect individuals, households, communities and health systems with respect to {T}as{P}. {C}onsidering the rural nature of the trial setting, we sought to understand community perceptions and experiences of the {T}as{P} {T}rial interventions as seen through the eyes of traditional health practitioners ({THP}s). {A} qualitative study design was adopted using four repeat focus group discussions conducted with nine {THP}s, combined with community walks and photo-voice techniques, over a period of 18 months. {A} descriptive, interpretive and explanatory approach to analysis was adopted. {F}indings indicate that {THP}s engaged with the home-based testing services and {HIV} clinics established for {T}as{P}. {S}pecifically, home-based testing services were perceived as relatively successful in increasing access to {HIV} testing. {A} major gap observed by {THP}s was linkage to {HIV} clinics. {M}ost of their clients, and some of the {THP}s themselves, found it difficult to use {HIV} clinics due to fear of labelling, stigma and discrimination, and the ensuing personal implications of unsolicited disclosure. {O}n the one hand, a growing number of patients diagnosed with {HIV} have found sanctuary with {THP}s as alternatives to clinics. {O}n the other hand, {THP}s in turn have been struggling to channel patients suspected of {HIV} into clinics through referrals. {T}herefore, acceptability of the {T}as{P} test and treat approach by {THP}s is a major boost to the intervention, but further success can be achieved through strengthened ties with communities to combat stigma and effectively link patients into {HIV} care, including partnerships with {THP}s themselves.}, keywords = {{HIV} testing ; antiretroviral treatment ; treatment-as-prevention ; traditional healers ; {HIV} stigma ; {S}outh {A}frica ; {AFRIQUE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}ids {C}are : {P}sychological and {S}ocio-{M}edical {A}spects of {A}ids/{H}iv}, volume = {28}, numero = {3}, pages = {24--32}, ISSN = {0954-0121}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1080/09540121.2016.1181296}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067745}, }