@article{fdi:010067666, title = {{P}rospects for repellent in pest control : current developments and future challenges}, author = {{D}eletre, {E}. and {S}chatz, {B}. and {B}ourguet, {D}enis and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {W}illiams, {L}. and {R}atnadass, {A}. and {M}artin, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he overall interest in environmentally safe pest control methods and the rise of insecticide resistance in pest populations have prompted medical and agricultural entomology research on insect repellents in recent years. {H}owever, conducting research on repellent is challenging for several reasons: (1) the different repellent phenomena are not well defined; (2) it is difficult to test for and quantify repellent; (3) the physiological mechanisms are poorly known; (4) the field efficacy appears to be highly variable. {H}ere, we identified five different types of repellent: expellency, irritancy, deterrency, odor masking and visual masking, and described behavioral bioassays to differentiate between them. {A}lthough these categories are currently defined by their behavioral response to different stimuli, we suggest new definitions based on their mechanism of action. {W}e put forward three main hypotheses on the physiological mechanism: (1) a dose effect that modifies the behavior, (2) a repellent mechanism with specific receptors, or (3) inhibition of the transduction of neural information.}, keywords = {{D}eterrent ; {A}ntifeeding ; {O}dorant receptor ; {O}lfaction ; {G}ustation ; {DEET} ; {P}est management ; {V}ector control}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemoecology}, volume = {26}, numero = {4}, pages = {127--142}, ISSN = {0937-7409}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s00049-016-0214-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067666}, }