@article{fdi:010067620, title = {{P}lasma levels of eight different mediators and their potential as biomarkers of various clinical malaria conditions in {A}frican children}, author = {{T}ahar, {R}achida and {A}lbergaria, {C}. and {Z}eghidour, {N}. and {N}gane, {V}. {F}. and {B}asco, {L}eonardo and {R}oussilhon, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {P}lasmodium falciparum infection can lead to several clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic infections ({AM}) and uncomplicated malaria ({UM}) to potentially fatal severe malaria ({SM}), including cerebral malaria ({CM}). {F}actors implicated in the progression towards severe disease are not fully understood. {M}ethods: {I}n the present study, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ({ELISA}) method was used to investigate the plasma content of several biomarkers of the immune response, namely {N}eopterin, s{CD}163, su{PAR}, {P}entraxin 3 ({PTX}3), s{CD}14, {F}ractalkine ({CX}3{CL}1), s{TREM}-1 and {MIG} ({CXCL}9), in patients with distinct clinical manifestations of malaria. {T}he goal of this study was to determine the relative involvement of these inflammatory mediators in the pathogenesis of malaria and test their relevance as biomarkers of disease severity. {R}esults: {ROC} curve analysis show that children with {AM} were characterized by high levels of {F}ractalkine and s{CD}163 whereas children with {UM} were distinguishable by the presence of {PTX}3 in their plasma. {F}urthermore, principal component analysis indicated that the combination of {F}ractalkine, {MIG}, and {N}eopterin was the best predictor of {AM} condition, while su{PAR}, {PTX}3 and s{TREM}-1 combination was the best indicator of {UM} when compared to {AM}. {T}he association of {N}eopterin, su{PAR} and {F}ractalkine was strongly predictive of {SM} or {CM} compared to {UM}. {C}onclusions: {T}he results indicate that the simultaneous evaluation of these bioactive molecules as quantifiable blood parameters may be helpful to get a better insight into the clinical syndromes in children with malaria.}, keywords = {{P}lasmodium falciparum ; cerebral malaria ; {B}iomarkers ; {N}eopterin ; {F}ractalkine ; s{CD}163 ; su{PAR} ; s{CD}14 ; s{TREM}-1 ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}alaria {J}ournal}, volume = {15}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 337 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {1475-2875}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1186/s12936-016-1378-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067620}, }