@article{fdi:010067355, title = {"{T}he sound of society" : a method for investigating sound perception in {C}airo}, author = {{B}attesti, {V}. and {P}uig, {N}icolas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{H}aving agreed and shown the importance of the acoustic dimension of everyday urban life in {C}airo ({E}gypt) and proved the inclusion of these ambiances in social life as social productions, it was appropriate to carry on with ethnography. {T}o do this, the first difficulty encountered is a low-verbalization by {C}airo people of this sensory dimension. {T}he authors have therefore developed an original methodology by testing an experimental procedure, "{M}ics in the {E}ars", opening access to the "natural language on the sounds" {T}his ethnography of acoustic environments of the {E}gyptian metropolis highlights two trends we summarize as follows: socialization of sound and a "soundization" of the social. {R}emain to fully develop what is already hinted at in the sound descriptions of the city by its inhabitants: an acoustic ecology of the city of {C}airo.}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {SOCIALE} ; {VILLE} ; {SOCIOLOGIE} {URBAINE} ; {SYSTEME} {DE} {REPRESENTATIONS} ; {ETHNOSCIENCE} ; {AMBIANCE} {SONORE} ; {ACOUSTIQUE} ; {EGYPTE} ; {LE} {CAIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}enses and {S}ociety}, volume = {11}, numero = {3}, pages = {298--319}, ISSN = {1745-8927}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1080/17458927.2016.1195112}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067355}, }