@inproceedings{fdi:010067275, title = {{T}owards efficient data integration and knowledge management in the {A}gronomic domain}, author = {{V}enkatesan, {A}. and {E}l {H}assouni, {N}. and {P}hilippe, {F}. and {P}ommier, {C}. and {Q}uesneville, {H}. and {R}uiz, {M}. and {L}armande, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}oday, the revolution in empirical technologies has generated vast amounts of data. {T}his data deluge has created an urgent need to assimilate it with a panoramic view. {T}o this end, information systems play a central role in managing and integrating these data, aiding the biologists in exploiting this integrated information for the extraction of new knowledge. {T}he plant bioinformatics node of the {I}nstitut {F}ran{\c{c}}ais de {B}ioinformatique ({IFB}) maintains public information systems where a variety of domain specific data are integrated. {C}urrently, efforts are being taken to expose the {IFB} plant bioinformatics resources as {RDF}, utilising domain specific ontologies and metadata. {H}ere, we present the overview and the progress of the project.}, keywords = {}, numero = {}, pages = {117--124}, booktitle = {{A}ctes {APIA} : {A}pplications {P}ratiques de l'{I}ntelligence {A}rtificielle}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067275}, }