@article{fdi:010067142, title = {{E}volution of dissolved and particulate chromophoric materials during the {VAHINE} mesocosm experiment in the {N}ew {C}aledonian coral lagoon (south-west {P}acific)}, author = {{T}edetti, {M}arc and {M}arie, {L}. and {R}{\¨o}ttgers, {R}. and {R}odier, {M}artine and {V}an {W}ambeke, {F}. and {H}elias, {S}. and {C}affin, {M}. and {C}ornet-{B}arthaux, {V}. and {D}upouy, {C}{\'e}cile}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the framework of the {VAHINE} project, we investigated the spectral characteristics and the variability of dissolved and particulate chromophoric materials throughout a 23-day mesocosm experiment conducted in the south-west {P}acific at the mouth of the {N}ew {C}aledonian coral lagoon (22°29.073 {S}-166°26.905 {E}) from 13 {J}anuary to 4 {F}ebruary 2013. {S}amples were collected in a mesocosm fertilized with phosphate at depths of 1, 6 and 12 m and in the surrounding waters. {L}ight absorption coefficients of chromophoric dissolved organic matter ({CDOM}) [ag(lambda)] and particulate matter [ap(lambda)] were determined using a point-source integrating-cavity absorption meter ({PSICAM}), while fluorescent {DOM} ({FDOM}) components were determined from excitation-emission matrices ({EEM}s) combined with parallel factor analysis ({PARAFAC}). {T}he evolutions of ag(lambda) and ap(lambda) in the mesocosm were similar to those of total chlorophyll a concentration, {S}ynechococcus spp. and picoeukaryote abundances, bacterial production, particulate organic nitrogen and total organic carbon concentrations, with roughly a decrease from the beginning of the experiment to days 9-10, and an increase from days 9-10 to the end of the experiment. {I}n the surrounding waters, the same trend was observed but the increase was much less pronounced, emphasizing the effect of the phosphate fertilization on the mesocosm's plankton community. {C}orrelations suggested that both {S}ynechococcus cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria were strongly involved in the production of {CDOM} and absorption of particulate matter. {T}he increase in phytoplankton biomass during the second part of the experiment led to a higher contribution of particulate material in the absorption budget at 442 nm. {T}he three {FDOM} components identified (tryptophan-, tyrosine- and ultraviolet {C} ({UVC}) humic-like fluorophores) did not follow the evolution of {CDOM} and particulate matter, suggesting they were driven by different production/degradation processes. {F}inally, the results of this work support the idea there is indirect coupling between the dynamics of {N}2 fixation and that of chromophoric material via the stimulation of {S}ynechococcus bloom.}, keywords = {{PACIFIQUE} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iogeosciences}, volume = {13}, numero = {}, pages = {3283--3303}, ISSN = {1726-4170}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.5194/bg-13-3283-2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067142}, }