@article{fdi:010066880, title = {{F}ish aggregating devices ({FAD}s) as scientific platforms}, author = {{M}oreno, {G}. and {D}agorn, {L}aurent and {C}apello, {M}anuela and {L}opez, {J}. and {F}ilmalter, {T}. and {F}orget, {F}. and {S}ancristobal, {I}. and {H}olland, {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ish aggregating devices ({FAD}s) are floating objects used by fishers to aggregate pelagic fish such as tunas, and enhance the catch of these species. {B}ecause this is so important for tuna fisheries, nearly 100,000 {FAD}s are deployed by fishers every year in the world's tropical oceans. {F}ishers use geo-locating buoys to track and maintain these {FAD}s by visiting them regularly, reinforcing them if they are weak or replacing them. {M}any of these buoys are now equipped with echo-sounders in order to provide remote information on the aggregated biomass. {FAD}s are currently only used for fishing purposes but they can also serve scientific objectives. {I}n this paper, we investigate the potential of these data for improving our knowledge on the ecology of tunas and other pelagic animals as well as to obtain fishery-independent indices of distribution and abundance. {T}hese {FAD}s also represent platforms for scientists to deploy scientific instruments, such as electronic tag receivers, cameras and hydrophones. {B}ecause {FAD}s naturally aggregate several pelagic species other than tuna, these instrumented {FAD}s can be a unique opportunity to observe pelagic ecosystem dynamics that are not possible from conventional research vessels. {T}he amount of cost-effective data that they can provide would make a significant contribution to the scientific understanding of pelagic ecosystems. {T}his information is vital for improved conservation and management of pelagic fisheries.}, keywords = {{FAD} ; {E}cho-sounder buoy ; {T}una ; {A}bundance ; {A}coustic tags ; {P}elagic ecosystem ; {F}ishing technology}, booktitle = {{T}he use of fishing vessels as scientific platforms}, journal = {{F}isheries {R}esearch}, volume = {178}, numero = {{N}o sp{\'e}cial}, pages = {122--129}, ISSN = {0165-7836}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.fishres.2015.09.021}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066880}, }