@article{fdi:010066783, title = {{R}ecovery of symbiotic nitrogen fixing acacia rhizobia from {M}erzouga {D}esert sand dunes in {S}outh {E}ast {M}orocco : identification of a probable new species of {E}nsifer adapted to stressed environments}, author = {{S}akrouhi, {I}. and {B}elfquih, {M}. and {S}babou, {L}. and {M}oulin {E}smard, {P}atricia and {B}{\'e}na, {G}illes and {F}ilali-{M}altouf, {A}. and {L}e {Q}u{\'e}r{\'e}, {A}ntoine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}acteria capable of nodulating {A}cacia tortilis and {A}. gummifera could be recovered from sand dunes collected in the {M}oroccan {M}erzouga desert. {T}he trapping approach enabled the recovery of 17 desert rhizobia that all clustered within the {E}nsifer ({S}inorhizobium) genus. {F}our isolates of the dominant genotype comprising 15 strains as well as 2 divergent strains were further characterized by {MESA}. {P}hylogenetic analyzes indicated that the dominant genetic type was belonging to a new and yet undefined species within the {E}nsifer genus. {I}nterestingly, housekeeping gene phylogenies showed that this possibly new species is also present in another desert but in {I}ndia. {P}hylogenetic analyses of nif{H} and nod{C} sequences showed high sequence conservation among the {M}oroccan strains belonging to the dominant genotype but high divergence with sequences from {I}ndian isolates suggesting acquisition of symbiotic genes through {H}orizontal {G}ene {T}ransfer. {T}hese desert rhizobia were capable of growing in media containing high salt concentrations, under high p{H} and most of the strains showed growth at 45 degrees {C}. {O}nly recovered from desert type of {B}iome, yet, this new taxon appears particularly adapted to such harsh environment.}, keywords = {{H}ot desert ; {A}frica ; {A}cacia rhizobia ; {E}nsifer ; {S}ymbiosis ; {P}hylogeny ; {MAROC} ; {MERZOUGA} {DESERT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ystematic and {A}pplied {M}icrobiology}, volume = {39}, numero = {2}, pages = {122--131}, ISSN = {0723-2020}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.syapm.2016.01.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066783}, }