@article{fdi:010066396, title = {{A} novel index to quantify agrobiodiversity in a biocultural perspective : the case of shifting cultivation gardens in {V}anuatu ({P}acific)}, author = {{B}lanco, {J}ulien and {V}andenbroucke, {H}. and {C}arri{\`e}re, {S}t{\'e}phanie {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}hifting cultivation is the most widespread agroforestry system in the tropics that may contribute to biodiversity conservation under certain conditions. {D}espite their common use, traditional biodiversity indexes prove ill-suited for assessing complex systems of this type. {T}his study proposes a novel index, {AGB}, to assess agrobiodiversity in systems that mix species, varieties, lifeforms, and uses. {T}he {AGB} index was tested using agrobiodiversity inventories in {V}anuatu, where we compared agrobiodiversity levels and patterns of change over the course of a crop cycle between different field types. {T}he 297 sampled fields contained a total of 127 species with an average of 10.1 species and of 11.6 varieties per field. {D}uring the cropping cycle, species and varietal richness diminish. {T}he {AGB} index was compared with the {S}hannon and {P}ielou indexes and proved to be accurate for assessing and monitoring agrobiodiversity at the species and varietal levels. {I}t may be a useful tool for agrobiodiversity monitoring in agricultural systems undergoing changes in practices and for achieving a better understanding of their biocultural resilience.}, keywords = {{VANUATU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}groecology and {S}ustainable {F}ood {S}ystems}, volume = {40}, numero = {3}, pages = {190--214}, ISSN = {2168-3565}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1080/21683565.2015.1127307}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066396}, }