@article{fdi:010066208, title = {{H}olocene land cover dynamics in the {C}uruai {F}loodplain inferred from lacustrine biomarkers}, author = {{Z}ocatelli, {R}. and {M}oreira {T}urcq, {P}atricia and {J}acob, {J}. and {C}ordeiro, {R}. {C}. and {B}oussafir, {M}. and {L}e {M}ilbeau, {C}. and {B}ernardes, {M}. and {T}urcq, {B}runo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study on {C}uruai {F}loodplain ({C}entral {A}mazonia) sediments (last 5600 cal yr {BP}) focused in {R}ock-{E}val [{RE}; hydrogen ({HI}) and oxygen ({OI}) indices, {T}max, {S}2 curve and {T}p{S}2], organic petrography and molecular biomarkers [n-alkanes, hopanes, pentacyclic triterpene methyl ethers ({PTME}s) and derivatives of pentacyclic triterpenes such as des-{A}-lupane and aromatic derivatives] analyses. {B}etween 5600 and 5100 cal yr {BP}, the environment was waterlogged and dominated by emersed plants ({P}aq 0.27-0.38). {T}he influence of the {A}mazon {R}iver was low. {T}errestrial vs aquatic ratio ({T}/{A}, similar to 0.8), {CPI} values (3-4) and high contents of {PTME} (0.22-1.54 mu g/g sed) and aromatics (21-53 mu g/g sed) indicated a strong contribution of terrestrial material and anoxic {OM} deposition conditions. {B}etween 5100 and 5000 cal yr {BP} more humid conditions due to heavier rainfalls were observed. {E}arly in this period, terrestrial biomarker contents (253 mu g/g sed of aromatics, {P}aq similar to 0.17) increased due to input of watershed erosion material. {T}his provoked a rapid burial and good preservation of terrestrial {OM} ({CPI} 3-4.5). {F}rom 5000 cal yr {BP} a strong sedimentation of carbonate minerals ({OI} similar to 1600 mg {CO}2.g(-1)) masked the {OM} signal and affecting {RE} parameters. {P}aq (similar to 0.18), {T}/{A} ratio (similar to 0.4) and the decrease of {C}-31 alpha beta/{C}-31 beta beta hopanes (1.18) indicate increasing aquatic conditions up to 2700 cal yr {BP}. {CPI} ratio (similar to 1.2) and degraded phytoclasts suggest intense degradation during transport to the sedimentation location. {T}he {PTME}s results showed that, from 3000 yr cal {BP}, the {P}oaceae genera were different from those found at the bottom (middle-{H}olocene), suggesting a change of vegetation. {T}he last 600 cal yr {BP} were marked by the seasonal influence of the {A}mazon {R}iver; during periods of low water level, the organic petrography and {CPI} values (similar to 1.0) evidenced {OM} degradation and the return of rather drier conditions.}, keywords = {{O}rganic matter ; {R}ock-{E}val ; {O}rganic petrography ; {A}mazon {R}iver ; {BRESIL} ; {AMAZONE} {COURS} {D}'{EAU} ; {CURUAI} {PLAINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}alaeogeography {P}alaeoclimatology {P}alaeoecology}, volume = {443}, numero = {}, pages = {237--248}, ISSN = {0031-0182}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.palaeo.2015.11.046}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066208}, }