@article{fdi:010066168, title = {{N}aturally occurring bioactive compounds from four repellent essential oils against {B}emisia tabaci whiteflies}, author = {{D}eletre, {E}. and {C}handre, {F}abrice and {B}arkman, {B}. and {M}enut, {C}. and {M}artin, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{BACKGROUNDI}n tropical countries, netting is an effective sustainable tool for protecting horticultural crops against {L}epidoptera, although not against small pests such as {B}emisia tabaci, while smaller mesh netting can be used in temperate regions. {A} solution is to combine a net with a repellent. {P}reviously we identified repellent essential oils: lemongrass ({C}ymbopogon citratus), cinnamon ({C}innamomum zeylanicum), cumin ({C}uminum cyminum) and citronella ({C}ymbopogon winternarius). {T}he present study was designed to identify the active compounds of these essential oils, characterise their biological activity and examine their potential for coating nets. {W}e investigated the efficiency and toxicity of nets dipped in different solutions. {W}e then studied the repellent effect with an olfactometer and the irritant effect by videotracking. {RESULTSG}eraniol and citronellol were the most promising net coatings owing to their repellent effect. {T}he repellency, irritancy or toxicity varied with the product and concentration, and these features were independent, indicating that the repellent and the irritant/toxic mechanisms were not the same. {T}he combined effects of these different compounds account for the bioactivity of the mixture, suggesting interactions between the compounds. {CONCLUSIONT}his new sustainable strategy for protecting vegetable crops against whiteflies is discussed, in addition to the use of companion plants that could produce such bioactive compounds.}, keywords = {behaviour ; repellence ; irritation ; toxicity ; {DEET} ; permethrin}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}est {M}anagement {S}cience}, volume = {72}, numero = {1}, pages = {179--189}, ISSN = {1526-498{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1002/ps.3987}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066168}, }