@article{fdi:010066033, title = {{T}rophic connectivity between offshore upwelling and the inshore food web of {B}anc d'{A}rguin ({M}auritania) : new insights from isotopic analysis}, author = {{C}arlier, {A}. and {C}hauvaud, {L}. and van der {G}eest, {M}. and {L}e {L}oc'h, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {L}e {D}uff, {M}. and {V}ernet, {M}. and {R}affray, {J}ean and {D}iakhate, {D}. and {L}abrosse, {P}. and {W}ague, {A}. and {L}e {G}off, {C}. and {G}ohin, {F}. and {C}hapron, {B}. and {C}lavier, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}anc d'{A}rguin ({BA}), {M}auritania, is a nationally protected shallow gulf > 10,000 km(2) between the {S}ahara desert and the upwelling system off the {M}auritanian coast. {I}n the southeast, {BA} consists of a 500 km(2) tidal flat, the most important wintering site for shorebirds using the {E}ast {A}tlantic {F}lyway. {T}he {M}auritanian upwelling-driven phytoplankton production supports the most productive fisheries worldwide, but little is known about its trophic role in the functioning of the inshore {BA} food web. {U}sing stable isotopes as trophic tracers to distinguish between upwelling-driven phytoplankton, open ocean phytoplankton, and benthic primary producers, we assessed the spatial extent to which the inshore {BA} food web is fuelled by upwelling-driven phytoplankton production. {T}he delta {C}-13 and delta {N}-15 signals were characterized in dominant primary producers, benthic invertebrate taxa, and various fish species along an offshore inshore (northwest southeast) gradient. {W}e also monitored the spatial and temporal extent of upwelling entering {BA} during 2008 with remote sensing of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a data. {T}he results suggest that benthic invertebrates and fishes living in the northwestern part of {BA} depend on the nearby upwelling phytoplankton production, but this food source does not support the intertidal benthic community in southeast {BA}. {F}urthermore, the isotopic signatures of fishes suggest weak trophic connectivity between the northern subtidal and southeastern intertidal {BA}. {O}ur results support the hypothesis that the southeastern tidal flat region functions as a distinct ecosystem with a food web supported mainly by local benthic primary production, which is crucial knowledge for effective management of the pristine {BA} national park.}, keywords = {{B}anc d'{A}rguin ; {W}est {A}frica ; food web structure ; remote sensing ; stable isotope ; upwelling ; {MAURITANIE} ; {BANC} {D}'{ARGUIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}stuarine {C}oastal and {S}helf {S}cience}, volume = {165}, numero = {}, pages = {149--158}, ISSN = {0272-7714}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.ecss.2015.05.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010066033}, }