@article{fdi:010065807, title = {{L}es r{\'e}cifs coralliens de {L}a {R}{\'e}union en 2007 : {\'e}tat des lieux et r{\'e}seau de suivi = {C}oral reefs of {R}eunion {I}sland in 2007 : status report and monitoring network}, author = {{T}essier, {E}. and {B}igot, {L}. and {C}adet, {C}. and {C}auvin, {B}. and {C}habanet, {P}ascale and {C}onand, {C}. and {N}icet, {J}. {B}. and {Q}uod, {J}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{R}eunion {I}sland is 2500 km(2) and belongs to the outermost regions of {E}uropean {U}nion ({EU}). {T}he population attained 774 600 inhabitants in 2004 with 25% living in the western part of the island, 80% in the littoral zone (called << bas >>), {T}he gross domestic product ({GDP}) per capita is less than 50% of the mean index of the {EU}. {T}he rate of unemployment was of 33% in 2004. {C}oral reef ecosystems extend over 12 km(2) along 25 km of the west and south coasts of the island. {I}n addition to the natural influence of climatic events (global change) coral reef ecosystems are impacted by direct and indirect influences of the increase of human population. {D}irect impacts are mainly due to human over frequenting of reef flats and over fishing. {I}ndirect impacts are due to urbanization and to industrial, agricultural and urban pollutions. {T}he competence in marine environment is assumed by an administration ({D}irection {R}egionale de l'{E}nvironnement). {R}esearches on coral reefs are run by research institutes and {NGO}. {T}he first coral reef monitoring network was set up in 1998 on the {S}aint-{G}illes/{L}a {S}aline reef. {S}ince then, it was extended to the three other main reef units ({S}aint-{L}eu, {E}tang-{S}ale, {S}aint-{P}ierre) and the data are gathered since 2001 by ecoguards of the association << {P}arc {M}arin de la {R}eunion >>, with the partnership of the university ({L}aboratoire d'{E}cologie {M}arine). {D}ata are stored in a database ({COREMO}) and analysed by {ARVAM} ({A}gence pour la {R}echerche et la {V}alorisation {M}arine). {T}he operation is funded both by the state administration and a local administration ({C}onseil {R}egional). {R}eunion {I}sland is a part of the {S}outh-{W}est {I}ndian {O}cean node of the {G}lobal {C}oral {R}eef {M}onitoring {N}etwork ({GCRMN}). {I}t is regularly involved in the writing of the << {S}tatus of coral reefs of the world >>. {A}t the same time another network involving stakeholders is built using the {R}eef {C}lick protocole. {A}t the present time, coral reefs of {R}eunion {I}sland are deteriorated. {I}f the density of the targeted species of fish has not changed since 1999, the surface of live corals has shown a significant decrease on half of the 14 stations, particularly after two bleaching events in 2003 and 2004. {T}he various negative impacts due to human activities contribute to weaken these ecosystems and to decrease their resilience. {H}ence, they are less and less able to resist exceptional climatic events (hurricanes, swells) and the bad impacts of global change (bleaching). {T}o face to the stake of long term development, 75% of the reef units of the island are protected since {F}ebruary 2007 by the status of << {R}eserve {N}aturelle {N}ationale {M}arine >> (35 km(2) of marine protected area).}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue d'{E}cologie - {L}a {T}erre et la {V}ie}, volume = {63}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {85--102}, ISSN = {0249-7395}, year = {2008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065807}, }