@article{fdi:010065787, title = {{G}enetic diversity of {V}erticillium dahliae isolates from olive trees in {A}lgeria}, author = {{B}ellahcene, {M}. and {A}ssigbets{\'e}, {K}omi and {F}ortas, {Z}. and {G}eiger, {J}ean-{P}aul and {N}icole, {M}ichel and {F}ernandez, {D}iana}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{V}erticillium wilt of olive trees ({O}lea europaea {L}.), a wilt caused by the soil-borne fungus {V}erticillium dahliae ({K}leb), is one of the most serious diseases in {A}lgerian olive groves. {T}o assess the pathogenic and genetic diversity of olive-infecting {V}. dahliae populations in {A}lgeria, orchards from the two main olive-producing regions (north-western {A}lgeria and {K}abylia) were sampled and 27 {V}. dahliae isolates were recovered. {F}or purposes of comparison, {V}. dahliae strains from {F}rance and {S}yria were added to the analysis. {B}y means of {PCR} primers that specifically discriminate between defoliating ({D}) and non-defoliating ({ND}) {V}. dahliae pathotypes it was shown that all {V}. dahliae isolates belonged to the {ND} pathotype. {T}he amount of genetic variation between the 43 isolates was assessed by random amplification of polymorphic {DNA} ({RAPD}). {A} total of 16 {RAPD} haplotypes were found on the basis of the presence or absence of 25 polymorphic {DNA} fragments. {G}enotypic diversity between the 27 {A}lgerian isolates was low, with two {RAPD} haplotypes accounting for 70% of all isolates. {G}enotypic diversity was however greater between isolates from {K}abylia than between isolates from north-western {A}lgeria. {C}luster analysis showed that most of the {A}lgerian {V}. dahliae isolates grouped together with the {F}rench and {S}yrian isolates. {O}n the basis of their ability to form heterokaryons with each other, a subset of 25 olive-pathogenic isolates was grouped into a single vegetative compatibility group ({VCG}). {T}hese results suggest that the olive-infecting {V}. dahliae populations in {A}lgeria show limited diversity and that caution should be taken to prevent introduction of the {D} pathotype.}, keywords = {{ALGERIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytopathologia {M}editerranea}, volume = {44}, numero = {}, pages = {266–274}, ISSN = {0031-9465 ; 1593-2095}, year = {2005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065787}, }