@article{fdi:010065665, title = {{V}ariations in cell wall monosaccharide composition during seed development in {C}offea arabica {L}. : {C}omparison between {C}offea arabica var. {B}ourbon and {C}offea arabica var. {L}aurina}, author = {{A}dler, {S}. and {N}oirot, {M}ichel and {F}ock-{B}astide, {I}. and {C}iterne, {S}. and {M}ouille, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}ell wall polysaccharide composition changed over seed development. {D}ifferences between {B} and {BP} only concerned the fruit growth period. {C}offea arabica var. {L}aurina, also known as '{B}ourbon {P}ointu' ({BP}), is a natural mutant of {C}offea arabica var. {B}ourbon ({B}). {BP} is known for its high organoleptic quality, which is today compared with the well-known '{B}lue {M}ountain'. {C}ell wall composition of seeds could explain the better cup quality of {BP}. {T}o test this hypothesis, we investigated possible impacts of the laurina mutation on the cell wall composition of seeds over a time course, and more precisely on polysaccharides. {T}he identification of cell wall polysaccharides ({CWP}) was deduced from permethylation analysis, whereas cell wall monosaccharide ({CWM}) composition was estimated using trifluoroacetic acid ({TFA}) and {H}2{SO}4. {T}he observation of {CWM} over time allowed defining three phases. {T}he phi 1 phase, from the 8th to 14th week after flowering ({WAF}), was characterized by the predominance of arabinogalactans, arabinoxylans and arabinans. {T}he phi 2 phase, from the 14th to 20th {WAF}, was mainly characterized by the increased importance of highly branched galactomannans at the expense of arabinoxylans. {L}astly, galactomannans constituted the main {CWP} present in the third phase (from the 20th to the 32nd {WAF}), associated with arabinogalactans and arabinans. {V}ariations in {CWP} composition were connected to fruit and seed development. {T}he end of the phi 1 phase coincides with the end of the fruit growth, i.e., with the end of the endosperm development. {D}uring the phi 2 phase, endosperm becomes milky and then hard due to the galactomannan deposition. {M}oreover, the phi 3 phase corresponded to the fruit maturation stage in which {CWM} composition did not change over time. {G}alactomannans were less substituted and constitute the main seed {CWP}. {L}astly, the evidence of laurina mutation impact on cell wall polysaccharides of seeds was only observed during the fruit growth period. {C}onsequently, the difference of cup quality between {B} and {BP} would not be due to {CWP} composition at the end of the phi 3 phase, i.e., when coffee beans are harvested.}, keywords = {{C}offea arabica var. {L}aurina ; {C}ell wall polysaccharides ; {S}eed development ; {REUNION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}rees-{S}tructure and {F}unction}, volume = {29}, numero = {6}, pages = {1871--1881}, ISSN = {0931-1890}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s00468-015-1268-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065665}, }