@article{fdi:010065308, title = {{P}2 of {R}ice grassy stunt virus ({RGSV}) and p6 and p9 of {R}ice ragged stunt virus ({RRSV}) isolates from {V}ietnam exert suppressor activity on the {RNA} silencing pathway}, author = {{N}guyen, {T}. {D}. and {L}acombe, {S}{\'e}verine and {B}angratz, {M}artine and {T}a, {H}. {A}. and {V}inh, {D}. {N}. and {G}antet, {P}ascal and {B}rugidou, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n {V}ietnam, the two main viruses that cause disease in rice are the {R}ice grassy stunt virus ({RGSV}) and the {R}ice ragged stunt virus ({RRSV}). {O}utbreaks of these two viruses have dramatically decreased rice production in {V}ietnam. {B}ecause natural resistance genes are unknown, an {RNA}i strategy may be an alternative method to develop resistance to {RGSV} and {RRSV}. {H}owever, this strategy will be efficient only if putative silencing suppressors encoded by the two viruses are neutralized. {T}o identify these suppressors, we used the classical green fluorescent protein ({GFP}) agroinfiltration method in {N}icotiana benthamiana. {T}hen, we investigated the effects of viral candidate proteins on {GFP} expression and {GFP} si{RNA} accumulation and their interference with the short- or long-range signal of silencing. {RGSV} genes s2gp1, s5gp2, and s6gp1 and {RRSV} genes s5gp1, s6gp1, s9gp1, and s10gp1 were selected for viral silencing suppressor investigation according to their small molecular weight, the presence of cysteines, or the presence of a {GW} motif in related protein products. {W}e confirmed that protein p6 of {RRSV} displays mild silencing suppressor activity and affects long-range silencing by delaying the systemic silencing signal. {I}n addition, we identified two new silencing suppressors that displayed mild activity: p2 of {RGSV} and p9 of {RRSV}.}, keywords = {{R}ice viruses ; {R}ice grassy stunt virus ; {R}ice ragged stunt virus ; {S}ilencing suppressors ; {R}ice production in {V}ietnam ; {VIET} {NAM}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}irus {G}enes}, volume = {51}, numero = {2}, pages = {267--275}, ISSN = {0920-8569}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s11262-015-1229-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065308}, }