@book{fdi:010065242, title = {{IRRIMED} : {I}mproved management tools for water-limited irrigation : combining ground and satellite information through models (final report, covering period from {A}pril 1st 2003 to {M}arch 31, 2007)}, author = {{E}scadafal, {R}ichard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he general scientific objective of {IRRIMED} is the assessment of temporal and spatial variability of water consumption of irrigated agriculture under limited water resources condition. {M}easurements with sophisticated equipments are used to combine ground and satellite data into models, to ultimately produce simple and robust methods to assess evapo-transpiration ({ETR}) over large areas {T}wo {E}uropean institutions ({IRD}-cesbio, {F}rance ; {WU}, the {N}etherlands) associated with seven participants from four {M}editerranean partner countries ({J}ordan, {M}orocco, {S}yria, {T}unisia) have carried out the ambitious {IRRIMED} program through the following achievements: - {F}or each test site (one per {MPC}) a {GIS} based collection of all available information on soil, water, land use, through processing high resolution satellite imagery, particularly short time paced time series -{P}erforming micrometeorological measurements over fields representative of the main crops –in the 4 {MPC}s- while combining state of the art technology (eddy correlation and scintillometry) . {O}ver most of the crop tested measured evapotranspiration was found significantly lower than estimated from the literature -{I}mplementation and validation of a reference process model of water fluxes and vegetation growth used for benchmarking. {C}omparison and enhancement of robust and simple methods , applicable to satellite imagery (spatialized crop growth model {SAFY}) -{A}pplication of simple method to satellite imagery to derive {ETR} maps and thus water consumption by the irrigated fields as observed from space ({SAMIR} prototype). {F}urther developments for regional assessment by coupling with weather forecast and {M}eteosat data. -{D}efining with the end-users through dedicated workshops and activities, their current needs and the specifications of a follow-up system for the operational implementation of the methods developed -{E}nsuring the sustainability of the approach: capacity building through 3 international workshops gathering all young scientists to be trained on the main scientific issues of the project. {T}his has been materialised by 9 {P}h{D}s thesis defended on the project research topics -{W}ide dissemination of the results through a dedicated web site, with a querable publication data base, interactive illustrations, and on-line access to the workshop content and material. {F}ollowing this success, the research will be pursued and applications developed, particularly within the {PLEAID}e{S} project ({FP}6 {GLOBAL}4, 2006-2009).}, keywords = {{AGROMETEOROLOGIE} ; {IRRIGATION} ; {EVAPOTRANPIRATION} ; {HUMIDITE} {DU} {SOL} ; {TELEDETECTION} {SPATIALE} ; {ANALYSE} {SPATIALE} ; {IMAGE} {SATELLITE} ; {MODELISATION} ; {COOPERATION} {SCIENTIFIQUE} ; {PROJET} {DE} {RECHERCHE} ; {MICROMETEOROLOGIE} ; {JORDANIE} ; {MAROC} ; {SYRIE} ; {TUNISIE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, address = {{T}oulouse}, publisher = {{CESBIO}}, series = {}, pages = {180}, year = {2007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010065242}, }