@article{fdi:010064819, title = {{V}egetation sensitivity to local environmental factors and global climate changes during the {M}iddle {P}leistocene in southern {I}taly. {A} case study from the {M}olise {A}pennines}, author = {{O}rain, {R}. and {E}rmolli, {E}. {R}. and {L}ebreton, {V}. and {D}i {D}onato, {V}. and {B}ahain, {J}. {J}. and {S}{\'e}mah, {A}nne-{M}arie}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {B}oiano sequence, in the {S}outhern {A}pennines, delivers new pollen data concerning the local and regional vegetation response to climate changes during the {M}iddle {P}leistocene. {S}everal local palaeoecological singularities have been highlighted in the {B}oiano basin record. {T}he sequence is constrained by {A}r-40/{A}r-39 dating from {MIS} 13 to {MIS} 9, with a short gap at {MIS} 10. {T}he evidence of an interglacial period, marked by singular associations of humid-temperate vegetation, constitutes the first {MIS} 11 record in {I}taly. {I}ndeed, this pollen sequence contributes to fill the gap in the {Q}uaternary environmental dynamics of the {I}talian {P}eninsula. {T}he relative persistence of {P}icea, potentially located on the surrounding high relief, is recorded along the sequence together with the progressive development of {F}agus. {C}oncomitantly, the maintenance of local edaphic humidity benefited exigent taxa, such as {C}arya, which persists up to {MIS} 9. {T}he edaphic characters and the basin physiography certainly favored the persistence of such floristic biodiversity, giving rise to the occurrence of an ecological refuge.}, keywords = {{C}limatostratigraphy ; {MIS} 11 ; {MIS} 9 ; {P}ollen ; {P}icea ; {C}arya ; {ITALIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}eview of {P}alaeobotany and {P}alynology}, volume = {220}, numero = {}, pages = {69--77}, ISSN = {0034-6667}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.revpalbo.2015.05.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064819}, }