@article{fdi:010064799, title = {{T}he fire ant {S}olenopsis saevissima and habitat disturbance alter ant communities}, author = {{D}ejean, {A}. and {C}ereghino, {R}. and {L}eponce, {M}. and {R}ossi, {V}. and {R}oux, {O}livier and {C}ompin, {A}. and {D}elabie, {J}. {H}. {C}. and {C}orbara, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he fire ant {S}olenopsis saevissima is a major pest frequent in human-disturbed areas of its native range where it forms 'supercolonies'. {W}e determined that its natural habitat in {F}rench {G}uiana is likely the sporadically flooded riparian forest and aimed to evaluate this ant's impact on the abundance and diversity of other ants by comparing different habitats at two sites. {W}e noted a significant decrease in ant species richness between the rainforest and human-disturbed habitats (but not between the former and the naturally disturbed riparian forest), and between extreme habitats and all others. {T}he number of ant nests per surface unit (i.e., quadrats of equal surface area), a proxy of ant abundance, globally followed this pattern. {S}. saevissima was absent from pristine rainforest (as expected) and from extreme habitats, showing the limits of its adaptability, whereas some other native ants can develop in these habitats. {A}nt species richness was significantly lower in the presence of {S}. saevissima in the riparian forest, forest edges and meadows, illustrating that this ant species has a negative impact on the ant communities in addition to the impact of natural- and man-made disturbances. {O}nly some ant species can develop in its presence, and certain of these can even thrive. {B}ecause it has been recorded in {A}frica, {G}uadeloupe and the {G}alapagos {I}slands, we concluded that, due to the increasing volume of global trade and forest destruction, {S}. saevissima could become a pantropical invasive species.}, keywords = {{A}nt community ; {S}pecies coexistence ; {F}ire ants ; {S}upercoloniality ; {I}nvasive species ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iological {C}onservation}, volume = {187}, numero = {}, pages = {145--153}, ISSN = {0006-3207}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1016/j.biocon.2015.04.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064799}, }