@article{fdi:010064755, title = {{T}he multi-resistant reaction of drought-tolerant coffee '{C}onilon {C}lone 14' to {M}eloidogyne spp. and late hypersensitive-like response in {C}offea canephora}, author = {{L}ima, {E}. {A}. and {F}urlanetto, {C}. and {N}icole, {M}ichel and {G}omes, {A}. {C}. {M}. {M}. and {A}lmeida, {M}. {R}. {A}. and {J}orge, {A}. and {C}orrea, {V}. {R}. and {S}algado, {S}. {M}. and {F}errao, {M}. {A}. {G}. and {C}arneiro, {R}. {M}. {D}. {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}oot-knot nematodes ({RKN}), {M}eloidogyne spp., have major economic impact on coffee production in {C}entral and {S}outh {A}merica. {G}enetic control of {RKN} constitutes an essential part for integrated pest management strategy. {T}he objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance of {C}offea canephora genotypes (clones) to {M}eloidogyne spp. {S}ensitive and drought-tolerant coffee genotypes were used to infer their resistance using nematode reproduction factor and histopathology. {E}ight clonal genotypes were highly resistant to {M}. paranaensis. '{C}lone 14' (drought-tolerant) and '{ESN}2010-04' were the only genotypes highly resistant and moderately resistant, respectively, to both {M}. incognita races 3 and 1. {S}everal clones were highly resistant to both avirulent and virulent {M}. exigua. {C}lone 14 and {ESN}2010-04 showed multiple resistance to major {RKN}s tested. {R}oots of 'clone 14' (resistant) and 'clone 22' (susceptible) were histologically studied against infection by {M}. incognita race 3 and {M}. paranaensis. {R}eduction of juvenile ({J}2) penetration in clone 14 was first seen at 2 to 6 days after inoculation ({DAI}). {A}pparent early hypersensitive reaction ({HR}) was seen in root cortex between 4 and 6 {DAI}, which led to cell death and prevention of some nematode development. {A}t 12 to 20 {DAI}, giant cells formed in the vascular cylinder, besides normal development into {J}3/{J}4. {F}rom 32 to 45 {DAI}, giant cells were completely degenerated. {L}ate, intense {HR} and cell death were frequently observed around young females and giant cells reported for the first time in coffee pathosystem. {T}hese results provide rational bases for future studies, including prospection, characterization, and expression profiling of genomic loci involved in both drought tolerance and resistance to multiple {RKN} species.}, keywords = {{AMERIQUE} {CENTRALE} ; {AMERIQUE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytopathology}, volume = {105}, numero = {6}, pages = {805--814}, ISSN = {0031-949{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1094/phyto-08-14-0232-r}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064755}, }