@article{fdi:010064743, title = {{I}ncrease in pelagic larval duration and geographical range for reef fish along an oceanic gradient}, author = {{K}ulbicki, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he structure of reef fish assemblages is known to vary according to numerous environmental factors, in particular reef type and coral cover. {H}owever little is known on the potential causes at the origin of species distribution along gradients in reef type and coral cover. {T}he present article analyzed how pelagic larval duration ({PLD}), geographical range ({GRI}), habitat and diet specialization may explain the distribution of species and their relative abundance as oceanic influence increases from the coast to outer barrier reefs. {T}his work is based upon 1714 transects representing 837 fish taxa and 1,140,000 individuals. {B}oth mean pelagic larval duration and mean geographical range increased as oceanic influence increased. {T}hese two parameters were size dependent, but within a size class these two variables also increased as oceanic influence increased. {T}he probability of occurrence and relative abundance of diet specialists did not vary along this oceanic gradient. {O}n the opposite the relative abundance of coral dwelling species, small species and species with short {PLD}s or narrow geographical ranges decreased from the coast to the outer barrier reef. {R}eef fish assemblages would follow a continuum of life history strategies with at one end large, unspecialized species with long {PLD}, wide {GRI} and characterized by strong dispersal and colonizing capacities, and at the other end small, sedentary, specialized species with short {PLD}, narrow {GRI} and high abundances.}, keywords = {{PELAGIC} {LARVAL} {DURATION} ; {GEOGRAPHICAL} {RANGE} ; {OCEANIC} {GRADIENT} ; {REEF} ; {FISH} ; {NEW} {CALEDONIA} ; {SIZE} {STRUCTURE} ; {HABITAT} {SPECIALIST} ; {DIET} {SPECIALIST} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{V}ie et {M}ilieu = {L}ife and {E}nvironment}, volume = {65}, numero = {1}, pages = {1--9}, ISSN = {0240-8759}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064743}, }