@article{fdi:010064414, title = {{F}loral biology of the {C}unoniaceae in {N}ew {C}aledonia and the role of insects, birds and geckos as potential pollinators}, author = {{H}opkins, {H}.{C}.{F}. and {B}radford, {J}.{C}. and {D}onovan, {B}. and {P}illon, {Y}. and {M}unzinger, {J}{\'e}r{\^o}me and {F}ogliani, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}unoniaceae are represented in {N}ew {C}aledonia by some 90 species, all of them endemic, and the family is thus a significant element in this diverse island flora. {W}e present a descriptive survey of floral biology for the seven genera present, covering floral structure and colour, inflorescence shape, sexual system and phenology, plus details of floral visitors, where known, based on field observations; individual records of potential pollinators are tabulated in appendices. {T}he flowers are polysymmetric (or almost so) and provide nectar and/or pollen as floral rewards. {T}wo genera are dioecious and some species are mass flowering. {G}eneralist entomophily is associated with several floral syndromes although the introduction of {A}pis mellifera has partially obscured historic relationships between some {C}unoniaceae and their insect-pollinators. {C}odia and {P}ancheria both have sweetly scented, often creamish, spherical capitula and their floral visitors include honey bees, beetles, flies and native bees, especially halictids. {S}piraeanthemum and {H}ooglandia have small, often whitish flowers in paniculate inflorescences but data on potential pollinators are few. {R}acemes occur in {W}einmannia (flowers white, apparently scentless) and {C}unonia p.p. (flowers white, pink or reddish with a faint foetid odour) ; visitors are mostly honey bees, plus ants, butterflies and native bees, and occasionally birds in the case of two reddish-flowered species. {O}rnithophily occurs in {G}eissois (flowers red, scentless, in bottle-brush racemes) and {C}unonia macrophylla (flowers yellow-green, in one-sided racemes) ; their floral visitors are commonly {M}eliphagidae plus some {P}sittacidae and {Z}osteropidae. {P}teropodid bats are also occasional visitors to {G}eissois. {G}eckos have been reported as flower-visitors in two genera though their contribution to pollen transfer is likely to be sporadic at most. {T}opics that require further investigation include some details of floral biology and the floral cycle, and the possible adaptive significance of different inflorescence shapes. {U}nanswered questions include : {W}hat visits taxa with paniculate inflorescences ?, and for all genera : {W}hich types of floral visitor are the most efficient pollinators ? {F}or the family as a whole, generalist entomophily appears to be the ancestral mode of pollen transfer and morphological specialisations to ornithophily have occurred independently in two groups of species and possibly in a third. {O}ur data on birds and geckos agree with a known trend for these types of floral visitation and pollination to be well developed on islands, and flower-visiting by lizards in {N}ew {C}aledonia is likely to be more common than has been documented so far, both in {C}unoniaceae and in the flora as a whole.}, keywords = {{ILE} ; {PLANTE} ; {FAMILLE} {TAXONOMIQUE} ; {ESPECE} {ENDEMIQUE} ; {FLEUR} ; {CARACTERISTIQUE} {FLORALE} ; {INFLORESCENCE} ; {PHENOLOGIE} ; {POLLINISATION} ; {INSECTE} ; {REPTILE} ; {OISEAU} ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{K}ew {B}ulletin}, volume = {70}, numero = {1}, pages = {art. 8 [33 ]}, ISSN = {0075-5974 ; 1874-933{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/{S}12225-014-9546-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064414}, }