@incollection{fdi:010064372, title = {{I}n-situ holography microscopy of plankton and particles over the continental shelf of {S}enegal}, author = {{H}ermand, {J}.{P}. and {R}andall, {J}. and {D}ubois, {F}. and {Q}ueeckers, {P}. and {Y}ourassowsky, {C}. and {R}oubaud, {F}abrice and {G}relet, {J}acques and {R}oudaut, {G}ildas and {S}arre, {A}. and {B}rehmer, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e present the first results obtained by a newly developed submersible digital holography microscope ({DHM}), {H}oloflow@{S}ea, to enable continuous in-situ monitoring of ocean or fresh water bodies in a less intrusive manner. {T}he microscope features an off-axis configuration with reduced-coherence illumination. {T}he optics is designed to image plankton and particles in the size range 2 ?m200 ?m within a water volume of 1 mm x 1 mm x 2 mm. {T}he prototype was successfully deployed for the first time over the continental shelf of {S}enegal during a fisheries survey carried out in {M}arch 2013. {T}he objective was to combine several laboratory techniques used for plankton and particle identification (highperformance liquid chromatography, flow cytometry and optical microscopy) on discrete collected samples with {DHM} images taken in situ at locations with different environmental conditions. {H}ologram data were acquired inside an upwelling cell, i.e., new water, and along the coast, i.e., old water, as well as off the upwelling cell at the continental shelf border. {P}reliminary results of holographic reconstruction are encouraging, with the distinctive morphology of some phytoplankton species allowing easy identification to genera level. {C}hallenges are recognised with the identification of small spheroid organisms. {A}nalyses are underway to allow comparison with traditional methods of plankton identification and evaluate the benefit of additional in-situ observations obtained by holography microscopy. {T}he preliminary results already demonstrate the potential of {DHM} for in-situ studies of plankton and particles.}, keywords = {{MICROPLANCTON} ; {PARTICULE} ; {DIATOMEE} ; {IDENTIFICATION} ; {METHODE} {D}'{ANALYSE} ; {MICROSCOPIE} {ELECTRONIQUE} ; {IMAGE} {NUMERIQUE} ; {MESURE} {IN} {SITU} ; {UPWELLING} ; {SENEGAL} ; {ATLANTIQUE}}, booktitle = {{P}roceedings of {SYMPOL} 2013}, numero = {}, pages = {154--163}, address = {{P}iscataway}, publisher = {{IEEE}}, series = {}, year = {2013}, DOI = {10.1109/{SYMPOL}.2013.6701926}, ISBN = {9789380095455}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064372}, }