@article{fdi:010064209, title = {{C}ontrols on timing of exhumation and deformation in the northern {P}eruvian eastern {A}ndean wedge as inferred from low-temperature thermochronology and balanced cross section}, author = {{E}ude, {A}. and {R}oddaz, {M}. and {B}richau, {S}t{\'e}phanie and {B}russet, {S}. and {C}alderon, {Y}. and {B}aby, {P}atrice and {S}oula, {J}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n northern {P}eru, a 500km long regional balanced section has been constructed across the eastern {A}ndean wedge, using fieldwork, industrial seismic sections, and wells. {T}he structure is characterized by a thin-skinned thrust system involving the {E}astern {C}ordillera ({EC}), the sub-{A}ndean zone ({SAZ}), and the {M}aranon foredeep. {I}n the {SAZ} and the easternmost foredeep the development of the thrust system has been driven by the combination of two structural events. {P}ermian thrust faults had been reactivated to form a basement duplex underlying the {SAZ} and the foredeep. {A}t the same time a {T}riassic-{J}urassic extensional basin has been transported as a crustal ramp anticline on to the duplex roof fault, giving rise to the {EC}. {T}he impingement of the {EC} was responsible for the deformation of the {SAZ} and the propagation of the thrust wedge. {T}he minimum shortening calculated is 142km, representing a shortening strain of similar to-28%. {A} sequential restoration calibrated by ({U}-{T}h)/{H}e and {F}ission {T}rack dating on apatites and vitrinite reflectance values shows that shortening rates vary from 7.1mmyr(-1) between 17 and 8{M}a to 3.6mmyr(-1) between 8{M}a and today and suggests that the thrust wedge commenced propagation between 30 and 24 {M}a. {W}hen compared with other {A}ndean thrust wedges, we suggest that the timing of the thrust wedge propagation is not a simple function of the distance to the hinge of the {B}olivian orocline and the propagation is not controlled by the precipitation regime. {W}e rather suggest that reactivated basement faults favored thrust wedge propagation.}, keywords = {{C}entral {A}ndes ; northern {P}eru ; balanced cross section ; apatite fission ; tracks analysis ; apatite ({U}-{T}h) ; {H}e ages ; sequential restoration ; {PEROU} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonics}, volume = {34}, numero = {4}, pages = {715--730}, ISSN = {0278-7407}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1002/2014tc003641}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064209}, }