@article{fdi:010064138, title = {{R}esponses of two scleractinian corals to cobalt pollution and ocean acidification}, author = {{B}iscere, {T}. and {R}odolfo-{M}etalpa, {R}iccardo and {L}orrain, {A}nne and {C}hauvaud, {L}. and {T}hebault, {J}. and {C}lavier, {J}. and {H}oulbr{\`e}que, {F}anny}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he effects of ocean acidification alone or in combination with warming on coral metabolism have been extensively investigated, whereas none of these studies consider that most coral reefs near shore are already impacted by other natural anthropogenic inputs such as metal pollution. {I}t is likely that projected ocean acidification levels will aggravate coral reef health. {W}e first investigated how ocean acidification interacts with one near shore locally abundant metal on the physiology of two major reef-building corals: {S}tylophora pistillata and {A}cropora muricata. {T}wo p{H} levels (p{H}({T}) 8.02; p{CO}(2) 366 mu atm and p{H}({T}) 7.75; p{CO}(2) 1140 mu atm) and two cobalt concentrations (natural, 0.03 mu g {L}-1 and polluted, 0.2 mu g {L}-1) were tested during five weeks in aquaria. {W}e found that, for both species, cobalt input decreased significantly their growth rates by 28% while it stimulated their photosystem {II}, with higher values of r{ETR}(max) (relative {E}lectron {T}ransport {R}ate). {E}levated p{CO}(2) levels acted differently on the coral r{ETR}(max) values and did not affect their growth rates. {N}o consistent interaction was found between p{CO}(2) levels and cobalt concentrations. {W}e also measured in situ the effect of higher cobalt concentrations (1.06 +/- 0.16 mu g {L}-1) on {A}. muricata using benthic chamber experiments. {A}t this elevated concentration, cobalt decreased simultaneously coral growth and photosynthetic rates, indicating that the toxic threshold for this pollutant has been reached for both host cells and zooxanthellae. {O}ur results from both aquaria and in situ experiments, suggest that these coral species are not particularly sensitive to high p{CO}(2) conditions but they are to ecologically relevant cobalt concentrations. {O}ur study reveals that some reefs may be yet subjected to deleterious pollution levels, and even if no interaction between p{CO}(2) levels and cobalt concentration has been found, it is likely that coral metabolism will be weakened if they are subjected to additional threats such as temperature increase, other heavy metals, and eutrophication.}, keywords = {{NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {10}, numero = {4}, pages = {e0122898 [18 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0122898}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064138}, }