@article{fdi:010064107, title = {{E}vidence for the non-influence of salinity variability on the {P}orites coral {S}r/{C}a palaeothermometer}, author = {{M}oreau, {M}. and {C}orr{\`e}ge, {T}. and {D}assie, {E}. {P}. and {L}e {C}ornec, {F}lorence}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}orites coral-based sea surface temperature ({SST}) reconstructions are obtained from the measurement of skeleton {S}r/{C}a ratio. {H}owever, the influence of salinity in the incorporation of these trace elements in the {P}orites aragonitic skeleton is still poorly documented. {L}aboratory experiments indicate that in three different coral species (not including the widely used {P}orites genus), salinity does not influence the {S}r/{C}a thermometer. {I}n this study, we test the salinity effect on {P}orites {S}r/{C}a-based {SST} reconstructions at monthly and interannual timescales in open-ocean environmental conditions. {W}e use a large spatial compilation of published {P}orites data from the {R}ed {S}ea and {P}acific and {I}ndian oceans. {A}dditionally to those published records, we add a new eastern {P}acific coral {S}r/{C}a record from {C}lipperton {A}toll. {U}sing two different salinity products ({S}imple {O}cean {D}ata {A}ssimilation ({SODA}) {SSS} reanalyses version 2.2.4, {C}arton and {G}iese, 2008; and instrumental {SSS} from the {I}nstitut de {R}echerche pour le {D}{\'e}veloppement, {F}rance ({IRD}) {D}elcroix et al., 2011), we find no evidence of salinity bias on the {S}r/{C}a {SST} proxy at monthly and interannual timescales. {W}e conclude that {P}orites {S}r/{C}a is a reliable palaeothermometer that is not influenced by salinity variability.}, keywords = {{MER} {ROUGE} ; {PACIFIQUE} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate of the {P}ast}, volume = {11}, numero = {3}, pages = {523--532}, ISSN = {1814-9324}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.5194/cp-11-523-2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064107}, }