@article{fdi:010064039, title = {{L}ow-frequency modulation and trend of the relationship between {ENSO} and precipitation along the northern to centre {P}eruvian {P}acific coast}, author = {{B}ourrel, {L}uc and {R}au, {P}. and {D}ewitte, {B}oris and {L}abat, {D}. and {L}avado, {W}. and {C}outaud, {A}. and {V}era, {A}. and {A}lvarado, {A}. and {O}rdonez, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he relationship between {E}l {N}ino {S}outhern {O}scillation ({ENSO}) and precipitation along the {P}eruvian {P}acific coast is investigated over 1964-2011 on the basis of a variety of indices accounting for the different types of {E}l {N}ino events and atmospheric and oceanographic manifestations of the interannual variability in the tropical {P}acific. {W}e show the existence of fluctuations in the {ENSO}/precipitation relationship at decadal timescales that are associated with the {ENSO} property changes over the recent decades. {S}everal indices are considered in order to discriminate the influence of the two types of {E}l {N}ino, namely, the eastern {P}acific {E}l {N}ino and the central {P}acific {E}l {N}ino, as well as the influence of large-scale atmospheric variability associated to the {M}adden and {J}ulian {O}scillation, and of regional oceanic conditions. {T}hree main periods are identified that correspond to the interleave periods between the main climatic transitions over 1964-2011, i.e. the shifts of the 1970s and the 2000s, over which {ENSO} experiences significant changes in its characteristics. {W}e show that the relationship between {ENSO} and precipitation along the western coast of {P}eru has experienced significant decadal change. {W}hereas {E}l {N}ino events before 2000 lead to increased precipitation, in the 2000s, {ENSO} is associated to drier conditions. {T}his is due to the change in the main {ENSO} pattern after 2000 that is associated to cooler oceanic conditions off {P}eru during warm events (i.e. central {P}acific {E}l {N}ino). {O}ur analysis also indicates that the two extreme {E}l {N}ino events of 1982/1983 and 1997/1998 have overshadowed actual trends in the relationship between interannual variability in the tropical {P}acific and precipitation along the coast of {P}eru. {O}verall, our study stresses on the complexity of the hydrological cycle on the western side of the {A}ndes with regard to its relationship with the interannual to decadal variability in the tropical {P}acific.}, keywords = {precipitation ; {ENSO} ; {M}odoki ; decadal modulation ; trend ; {P}acific coast ; {P}eru ; {PEROU} ; {PACIFIQUE} {EST}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrological {P}rocesses}, volume = {29}, numero = {6}, pages = {1252--1266}, ISSN = {0885-6087}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1002/hyp.10247}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010064039}, }