@article{fdi:010063961, title = {{T}owards a representative assessment of methane and nitrous oxide emissions and mitigation options from manure management of beef cattle feedlots in {B}razil}, author = {{C}osta, {C}. and {C}erri, {C}. {E}. {P}. and {D}orich, {C}. {D}. and {M}aia, {S}. {M}. {F}. and {B}ernoux, {M}artial and {C}erri, {C}. {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e conducted an inventory to estimate methane ({CH}4) and nitrous oxide ({N}2{O}) emissions from beef cattle feedlot manure in {B}razil for the year of 2010. {T}he aim was to determine ({CH}4) and ({N}2{O}) emissions from beef cattle feedlot manure in {B}razil using the {IPCC} {U}nited {N}ations {I}ntergovernmental {P}anel on {C}limate {C}hange approach and present a framework that structures priority research for decreasing uncertainties and assessing mitigation scenarios. {T}he analysis consisted of the use of specific farm-scale activity data applied to the 2006 ({IPCC}) guideline equations for animal manure management updated with specific parameters for {B}razil conditions. {U}ncertainties were assessed by error-propagation technique. {T}he results indicated that 376.6 {G}g{CO}(2)eq were emitted from the manure management of beef cattle feedlots in {B}razil in 2010. {N}itrous oxide accounted for 61 % of total emissions, out of which 69 % came from direct emissions. {U}ncertainties were high, comprising -30 to +80 %. {S}olid storage-heap and field application were the largest sources of greenhouse gas ({GHG}) emissions (81 % of total emissions) and held most of the variance in uncertainties. {A}lthough, due to limitations in the {IPCC} methodology for integrating {GHG} emissions at farm-scale, we could not account for emissions occurring from different lengths of time in each manure management compartment prior to field application. {A}s a consequence, this {GHG} inventory lacks consistence. {T}he use of more robust methodologies such as process-based models are recommended for improvements, however they are currently unavailable because there is a lack of key data for {B}razil conditions for validating those models. {O}ur literature revision shows that the most effective research for raising those data would track emissions from manure: generated from male {N}ellore ({B}os {I}ndicus) cattle fed for 90 days with a high-energy diet, removed only at the end of feeding period and held in heaps over 60 days before being applied to maize ({Z}ea mays {L}.) cropping fields under clay soil. {T}he proposed research and methodology approaches described in this work is required to establish a manure management emission assessment that will become more responsive to the changing practices on {B}razilian beef cattle feedlots and, consequently, permitting implication of mitigation scenarios to be ascertained.}, keywords = {{A}nimal manure ; {A}ctivity data ; {E}mission assessment ; {M}ethane ; {N}itrous oxide ; {BRESIL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}itigation and {A}daptation {S}trategies for {G}lobal {C}hange}, volume = {20}, numero = {3}, pages = {425--438}, ISSN = {1381-2386}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s11027-013-9499-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063961}, }