@article{fdi:010063951, title = {{G}enetic and genomic diversity studies of acacia symbionts in {S}enegal reveal new species of {M}esorhizobium with a putative geographical pattern}, author = {{D}iouf, {F}. and {D}iouf, {D}. and {K}lonowska, {A}gnieszka and {L}e {Q}u{\'e}r{\'e}, {A}ntoine and {B}akhoum, {N}. and {F}all, {D}. and {N}eyra, {M}arc and {P}arrinello, {H}. and {D}iouf, {M}. and {N}doye, {I}. and {M}oulin, {L}ionel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}cacia senegal ({L}) {W}illd. and {A}cacia seyal {D}el. are highly nitrogen-fixing and moderately salt tolerant species. {I}n this study we focused on the genetic and genomic diversity of {A}cacia mesorhizobia symbionts from diverse origins in {S}enegal and investigated possible correlations between the genetic diversity of the strains, their soil of origin, and their tolerance to salinity. {W}e first performed a multi-locus sequence analysis on five markers gene fragments on a collection of 47 mesorhizobia strains of {A}. senegal and {A}. seyal from 8 localities. {M}ost of the strains (60%) clustered with the {M}. plurifarium type strain {ORS} 1032({T}), while the others form four new clades ({MSP}1 to {MSP}4). {W}e sequenced and assembled seven draft genomes: four in the {M}. plurifarium clade ({ORS}3356, {ORS}3365, {STM}8773 and {ORS}1032{T}), one in {MSP}1 ({STM}8789), {MSP}2 ({ORS}3359) and {MSP}3 ({ORS}3324). {T}he average nucleotide identities between these genomes together with the {MLSA} analysis reveal three new species of {M}esorhizobium. {A} great variability of salt tolerance was found among the strains with a lack of correlation between the genetic diversity of mesorhizobia, their salt tolerance and the soils samples characteristics. {A} putative geographical pattern of {A}. senegal symbionts between the dryland north part and the center of {S}enegal was found, reflecting adaptations to specific local conditions such as the water regime. {H}owever, the presence of salt does not seem to be an important structuring factor of {M}esorhizobiumspecies.}, keywords = {{SENEGAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}los {O}ne}, volume = {10}, numero = {2}, pages = {e0117667 [20 p.]}, ISSN = {1932-6203}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1371/journal.pone.0117667}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063951}, }