@article{fdi:010063921, title = {{N}o detectable effect of lionfish ({P}terois volitans and {P}. miles) invasion on a healthy reef fish assemblage in {A}rchipelago {L}os {R}oques {N}ational {P}ark, {V}enezuela}, author = {{E}lise, {S}. and {U}rbina-{B}arreto, {I}. and {B}oadas-{G}il, {H}. and {G}alindo-{V}ivas, {M}. and {K}ulbicki, {M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}here is an increasing concern that invasive lionfish will have dramatic impacts on native reef fish assemblages in the {C}aribbean. {H}owever, the intensity and speed of such changes will probably depend on the initial structure of each assemblage and on the lionfish population characteristics. {T}he species composition of native fishes, diet and size structures were analyzed on a protected {V}enezuelan reef, through visual census on zones with and without lionfish, 1 and 3 years after the first sighting of {P}terois (lionfish). {L}ionfish mean density +/- {A} {SD} increased from 30 +/- {A} 83.5 (n = 22) to 121 +/- {A} 164 ind ha(-1) (n = 22), with an important increase in lionfish over 30 cm and the near absence of juveniles. {N}ative species richness and densities remained stable through time. {N}o significant change of native fish assemblage structure, species richness and density of potential {P}terois prey, predators and competitors was found over time, but zones with lionfish had significantly higher levels of prey and predators, and significantly different fish assemblage structures. {M}ost importantly, there was no interaction between time and the presence of {P}terois on these metrics. {O}ur results may suggest that: 1-a healthy composition of the initial structure of the reef fish assemblage may moderate the early impact of lionfish, and the observed lionfish densities (mean +/- {A} {SD} = 121 +/- {A} 164 ind ha(-1), n = 22) were not sufficient to induce a significant change in the assemblage; and 2-lionfish probably select zones where species richness and density of prey are the highest.}, keywords = {{VENEZUELA} ; {LOS} {ROQUES} ; {CARAIBES} {MER}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {B}iology}, volume = {162}, numero = {2}, pages = {319--330}, ISSN = {0025-3162}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s00227-014-2571-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063921}, }