@article{fdi:010063777, title = {{F}ertility at the district level in {I}ndia : lessons from the 2011 census}, author = {{G}uilmoto, {C}hristophe and {I}rudaya {R}ajan, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his paper describes the methodology for estimating recent fertility levels at the district level in {I}ndia based on the 2011 {C}ensus figures. {D}ue to the absence of reliable vital statistics for {I}ndian districts, fertility levels are assessed using a set of indirect methods. {U}sing mortality estimates and the child population aged 0-6 years to estimate the number of births during the seven years preceding the census, figures for crude birth rates and fertility rates are derived for all {I}ndian districts. {T}he results are compared with those derived from the 2001 {C}ensus. {O}ur analysis points, in particular, to the significant population overcount in {J}ammu and {K}ashmir during the 2011 {C}ensus and the continuous but extremely slow process of fertility decline in {I}ndia.}, keywords = {{FECONDITE} ; {NAISSANCE} ; {REPRODUCTION} ; {DEMOGRAPHIE} ; {MORTALITE} {INFANTILE} ; {ENQUETE} {STATISTIQUE} ; {RECENSEMENT} ; {ENFANT} ; {PREVISION} {DEMOGRAPHIQUE} ; {PERSPECTIVE} {DEMOGRAPHIQUE} ; {FERTILITE} ; {TAUX} {DE} {REPRODUCTION} ; {AGE} ; {INDE} ; {JAMMU} {AND} {KASHMIR}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}conomic and {P}olitical {W}eekly}, volume = {48}, numero = {23}, pages = {59--70}, year = {2013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063777}, }