@article{fdi:010063719, title = {{W}hat place for pastoral activities in the economic transformation of {V}icdessos ({A}ri{\`e}ge {P}yr{\'e}n{\'e}es) ?}, author = {{D}{\'e}rioz, {P}. and {L}oireau, {M}aud and {B}achimon, {P}. and {C}ancel, {E}. and {C}l{\'e}ment, {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}nce a major part of life in the mountain landscapes of {V}icdessos ({A}riege, southwestern {F}rance), pastoral activities were marginalized when industries brought full employment to the area. {T}he "{P}echiney era" (1906-2003) was characterized by the return of fallow lands and forests on the slopes and on some valley floors. {N}ow that this small territory is engaged in a voluntary conversion oriented towards outdoor recreational activities ({M}ontcahn nature-sports centre), the twenty or so livestock farms still in operation seem to be the best guarantors of the landscape resource on which tourist attraction depends (village surroundings, high mountain pastures). {T}he creation of {P}astoral {L}and {A}ssociations around some villages reflects the awareness of this issue by elected officials, and has led to permissions for the expansion of some farms and the creation of new ones. {E}ven though the amount of livestock is sometimes insufficient to prevent the return of brush and trees to pastures and even though the farms, some of them in economically precarious states, do not visibly take part in the new tourism system, these livestock farmers are gaining recognition for their role as landscape managers. {I}n addition, the increased direct sales of their products and the events they organize to enlighten people of their activities (fairs, transhumance celebrations) highlight their role material as well as symbolic in the territory's development. {H}owever, the issue of modalities of access to grazing lands remains crucial for this pastoral renewal, which will, in any case, have to depend on innovations (diversification of livestock, short food-supply chains, agrotourism), especially when many older livestock farmers will soon retire.}, keywords = {territorial system ; economic reconversion ; pastoral activities ; mountain ; landscapes ; dynamics of pastoral spaces ; pastorality ; {FRANCE} ; {PYRENEES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue de {G}{\'e}ographie {A}lpine = {J}ournal of {A}lpine {R}esearch}, volume = {102}, numero = {2}, pages = {art. 2398 [16 ]}, ISSN = {0035-1121}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.4000/rga.2398}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063719}, }