@article{fdi:010063690, title = {{C}haracterization of the time dynamics of monthly satellite snow cover data on {M}ountain {C}hains in {L}ebanon}, author = {{T}elesca, {L}. and {S}haban, {A}. and {G}ascoin, {S}. and {D}arwich, {T}. and {D}rapeau, {L}aurent and {E}l {H}age, {M}. and {F}aour, {G}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study, the time dynamics of the monthly means of the snow cover have been on {L}ebanese {M}ountain {C}hains from 2000 to 2012, derived from the {MODIS} {A}qua/{T}erra satellite snow products was analyzed. {T}his represents the longest satellite-based snow cover time series produced for {L}ebanon so far. {F}ield survey was also carried out over the last three years in order to measure the in-situ snow/water equivalent and depth in different localities. {A}nalyzing the regime of the snow cover in {M}ount-{L}ebanon ({W}estern {M}ountain {C}hains) region, it was found that: (i) snowmelt accounts for about 31% of the rivers and springs discharge in {L}ebanon; (ii) consecutive peaks in the snow cover time series, representing the change-point between accumulation phase and ablation phase are present in three different patterns (edged, non-edged and double peaked); (iii) the areal snow coverage has big diversity between different years; (iv) the annual periodicity represents the most statistically significant and predominant frequency of the series contributing for about the 40% of the total variance of the snow cover series; (v) the longterm trend, totally hidden by the more powerful yearly component and detected by using the singular spectrum analysis ({SSA}), accounts for about the 33% of the total variance of the series; (vi) the long-term trend shows an apparent cyclic behavior with an estimated period (interval between the two minima) of about nine years; (vii) the comparison of the long-term trend with the {N}orth {A}tlantic {O}scillation ({NAO}) monthly index reveals that the minima in 2009-2010 of the {SSA} long-term component coincides with a persistent negative phase in the {NAO} {I}ndex.}, keywords = {{S}nowpack ; {S}atellite image ; {SSA} ; {P}eriodogram ; {L}ebanon ; {LIBAN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {519}, numero = {{D}}, pages = {3214--3222}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2014}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.10.037}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010063690}, }